1109 Chapter 61
"Li Xiyuan, you big liar! You've already come out, right?! Do you still have a conscience for wasting my time like this!"

With a snap, Li Xiyuan's phone was hung up.

There was a helpless smile on his lips.

Discovered so soon?

He also wanted to use this reason to take up a little more of his girlfriend's time.

However, what he didn't expect was that the time he occupied was already too much.

As for Lian Jue.

The moment she hung up the phone cracklingly, she wasn't really angry.

I just want him to know that he is too much!
Think she can't see it?The same reason over and over again.


After the girl hung up the phone, she went to the laboratory to finish the experiment that had been dragging on for several days.

She wants to make up for all the time wasted these days.

As for someone, let him go "down" by himself.

The evening is a community dinner.

Since Lian Jue went to university, not only did she study a different major, but she even joined a very unique club. She bet that not many schools have heard of the same kind—the kite-flying club.

Lian Jue no longer remembers the reason why he joined this club in the first place.

Maybe for mixed credits.

As for why he joined this mysterious organization in the first place, Lian Jue felt that his obsessive research on neurology might have made a mistake.

But who would have expected that there are so many handsome men and beauties in this club that sounds like nothing.

Lian Jue was shocked when he went to fly a kite in the suburbs on the first day of the event, and as time went by, more and more handsome guys joined...

It can also be concluded from this that the current handsome men and beautiful women are indeed more or less abnormal in their brains.

"Everyone will have no classes next Wednesday, right?"




The president patted his stomach contentedly, "Then let's go to the Huangpu River to fly a kite this time."

"Right, one by one?"

She buried her head in her meal and tried her best to ignore the girl who was constantly vibrating her phone and raised her head in a daze, "Huh?"

She wiped her mouth and met the president's handsome face.

Junlian coughed, "Yiyi, you usually don't participate in activities with credits, but this time?"

"Okay." Even Jue didn't even think about it, the relationship with Li Xiyuan recently happened to be ignoring him for a few days, and he just happened to go out to play.

The president is a third-year clinical surgery student and the founder of this club. It is said that he is well-known inside and outside the school, and he is super handsome.

Lian Jue always felt that he was very suitable for their major.

With his handsome face and unruly personality, if her roommate sees him, he will definitely be listed as a candidate for a first-level mental illness.

"Great." The president was very happy, "This group building of our club will definitely be very successful."

"Yiyi, your phone is ringing." The person next to him noticed and reminded him kindly.

Lian Jue glanced at it.

The three familiar letters appeared in front of her eyes, and the girl looked away indifferently, "Don't worry, it's for sales."

The people next to him were stunned.

Will there be a note for the salesperson?
Seeing that the person concerned did not speak any more, the other party had no choice but to look away silently.

Lian Jue simply turned off the phone.

Do not disturb.

"Low down" yourself, fat boy!
Half an hour passed.

The boys sitting around the roadside stall had already drunk a little and passed out.The girls talked in twos and threes.

Chatting with each other's boyfriends from time to time.

"Yiyi, does your boyfriend go to college in the imperial capital? Do you have any photos?" Someone asked curiously, and then everyone cast their gazes at the girl.

(End of this chapter)

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