1122 Chapter 74
The girl hummed, checked today's Weibo news, and continued to chat: "Have you eaten yet?"

"Not yet." Li Xiyuan slowly lay down on the table with a tired expression as if he had just remembered this matter, "I did a day's worth of data..."

His tone was a little pathetic.

Even the macho Jue was shocked.

Not even watching the news, the girl frowned and said, "Go and eat!"

The domineering president can't do it.

"Why don't you ask me to take care of you when you're hungry!" The overlord declares that he has achieved get!

"That's not good, so Yiyi can stay with me all day."

"In your dreams."

Li Xiyuan stared at the beautiful appearance of the girl on the screen, his lips slightly raised, and when he talked about the business, "When is the holiday one by one?"

Lian Jue thought about it, and reported the time.

"Well," Li Xiyuan stretched his waist, looked up at the thick night, "it's the same day, I'll pick you up then."

"Then shall we go home together?" Lian Jue suddenly thought of a question, "To the city? Or to the countryside?"

She was stunned.

In previous years, Lian Jue would go back to the countryside, and then Li Xiyuan lived in the city most of the time, and would go back to the countryside to stay with her for a while when the holidays were coming to an end.

but now……

The girl looked a little dazed.

Without making his girlfriend pause for a long time, Li Xiyuan said, "I will accompany you back to the countryside."



Through the screen, the young man stretched out his hand and touched the top of the camera.

Another form of patting the girl's head.

"I won't let you face it alone."

"How about this," the girl bit her sleeve, "Let's go back to the city for one night, and then go back to the countryside the next day."

"Okay." Li Xiyuan said that he listened to LP.

What Lian Jue thought was that it would be weird to face parents anyway, so it's better to deal with two waves at once.

Anyway, I want to see my sister-in-law.

And her parents' side is the real problem, and my sister-in-law feels like they are on their side.

"My mother said in the past two days that she is preparing a big gift." Li Xiyuan suddenly remembered something, with his chin resting on the pen, looking very excited.


"A meeting gift for you."

"She said that she never thought that her son's life-long event would be settled so early, let alone the little girl she saw growing up since she was a child, so the gift bag is getting thicker and thicker."

Lian Jue: "..."

"Is it too late for me to ask my dad to prepare a meeting ceremony for you?"

Li Xiyuan laughed, "It will be fine if uncle doesn't beat me up."

The girl tugged at the corner of her clothes in embarrassment, "Why don't you tell my sister? Red envelopes or something, I don't know if I should..."

"I want it for you." Li Xiyuan held his chin, looked at the girl's tangled appearance, and felt itchy in his heart, "You know my mother's character, stubborn. If you don't accept it this time, you will accept it next time." of."

The girl rubbed her face, "Huh~"

Not knowing what was going on in that magical little head, she suddenly had a thought, "How about we elope on vacation?"

Faced with two waves of parents in two days, he said he was a tough guy, and he wanted to escape with honesty...


I thought the other party would say yes without hesitation.

She looked up in a daze.

"It's been hard for me to have a bright identity," Fang Qingjun said with a serious face, "You can't escape, and I will catch you when the time comes so that you can't escape."


(End of this chapter)

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