1123 Chapter 75
As the days approaching the summer vacation, Lian Jue relaxed instead.

She still has red envelopes to get when she goes back, which is better than Li Xiyuan, and she may be punished a few times.

She didn't know why, she was a little gloating.

There is always a price to be paid for abducting other people's daughters.

School gate.

Gao Changqing's handsome figure appeared and got out of the car.

Lian Jue saw it, beckoned, and walked over with the suitcase.


"Yo hoo~"


The roommate who was waiting for the car immediately started booing again.

Lian Jue didn't care about them this time, they are all out of school anyway, so what can I do to show affection!
Walking to Li Xiyuan's side, she let go of the suitcase, opened her arms and gave her a big hug.

Just to show off!Xiuxiuxiu!

Tired of crooked them to death!
"Good morning."

"Good morning."

The girl is wearing a half skirt today, and a floral checkered blouse on the upper body.

A head of blue hair draped over her shoulders, tender and messy.

Li Xiyuan stared at the girl, his eyes darkened.

"What do you think of me wearing this to see your mother?"

I'm no longer my sister-in-law, I'm calling you mom now.

Li Xiyuan hooked the lower corner of his lips, "It's so good that I want to hide it at home."

"Ah, that's it," the tone was full of disappointment, "Look again, don't you want to put on handcuffs and hide at home?"

Li Xiyuan glanced at the people around him with a smile, "One by one has really grown up."

He shook her hand.

Lian Jue: "..."

Although he didn't say anything, it was an annoying feeling that his aura was suppressed.

"Let's go," the holding hand was raised, and the suitcase was taken by him. The magnetic voice was as pleasant as ever, "Yibao, go home."

? ?
Inexplicable nicknames have been added.


"Sister-in-law." The girl was a little shy.

This time I called my sister-in-law, and it felt different from every time in the past.

It's not just her who feels this way, Li He also has the same subtle psychology, but she is much more enthusiastic than girls, after all, she is the future daughter-in-law, "Yi Yi, come and sit down, the dumplings will be ready in no time."

"I don't know when you will arrive, so I have been wrapping it up here, and I didn't dare to go down."

Li Xiyuan put the suitcase away, walked over and glanced at the long table, "How much stuffing do you have left?"

"There's one last bowl, it's okay, I'll make it tomorrow, let's eat first."

Li Xiyuan pushed the girl to the kitchen to wash her hands, "Mom, let's finish packing together, so you don't have to do it again tomorrow."

"Ah? You should be hungry, no need, I'm not in a hurry for the last bowl."

Lian Jue turned around, "Sister-in-law who isn't hungry, let's have something to eat before getting in the car."

"Okay, that's good."

Li He hurriedly brought up the rolling pin and the like.

Li He rolled the dough, Lian Jue and Li Xiyuan were in charge of making the dumplings, the two sat obediently on one side, and Li He sat on the other.

The picture of the two is extremely elementary school students.

Lian Jue's dumplings were okay, although they couldn't make any superb tricks, but they were quite satisfactory and there were no mistakes.

As for Li Xiyuan.

When I was young, I made dumplings with Li He many times, and I was very skillful at making a dough.

The wrapped dumplings are round and plump, chubby but not broken.

Lian Jue: "Wow..."

Li Xiyuan hooked the corners of his lips, and twirled his long fingers in front of her, "Call me brother, I'll make the rest of the dumplings for you."

The girl immediately rolled her eyes, "Tch."

Then there was a slight thump on the top of the head.

He still took half of the dumpling wrapper in front of her and raised his eyebrows, "How am I?"

(End of this chapter)

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