1125 Chapter 77
For such a long time, as a mother, she didn't notice it at all, which was enough to show how deep he was hiding.

Most of the time, I just feel that my son is a little clingy in front of Yiyi.

But did not expect ...

Maybe it was made public now, and he didn't hide anything anymore. When he came back this time, even when the three of them were together, his eyes never left the girl.

Li He also came here from a young age.

It was impossible not to see the deep emotion in those eyes.

Li He was cleaning the pots and pans, feeling a little sore somewhere in his heart, not only because of his release, but also because of his overly heavy emotions, "...you see her all in your eyes, but she may not always be you."

One word makes it clear.

The corners of Li Xiyuan's raised lips slowly fell.

"It's okay, Mom."

He smiled again, "Mom, don't make it so miserable. I know Yiyi very well. Even if she doesn't like me that much, she won't like others. That's enough."

"I'm satisfied."

He brushed the plate, his expression remained unchanged, he looked up at her with a smile, "really."

Li He had mixed feelings in his heart.

Leaving Li Geyi's sister-in-law aside, what kind of girl does her son want?
Excellent, beautiful, although these external things are not important, but it is not easy to find her son's eyes full of eyes.

Her son is so good.

One by one is naturally very good. I have watched the grown-up children since I was a child, but they are only put together with Xiyuan, and I don’t seem to be so firm in dealing with this relationship.

"Don't worry~"

Li He came back to his senses and found that his son's hand had fallen, and he touched her shoulder with some meaning: "Mom, don't you still believe in your son's charm? Li Ge will only like me more and more. "

Li He lowered his head and glanced, "Your hands are so dirty, just speak when you speak, and don't make physical contact."

Li Xiyuan: "..."

"I washed my hands," he clarified.

"I don't like it even after washing it." Li He didn't hesitate.


"It would be great if you two changed your identities." Li He suddenly thought, "Yiyi is my son, and you are my niece."

"Yiyi is like someone who does big things, and has no love for children in his eyes."

Li Xiyuan: "..."

"As for you, if you like Yi Yi so much, it's good to leave it at home every day to care for your husband and teach your children."

Li Xiyuan coughed unbearably, and looked suspiciously, "Who was born to you?"

"One by one." Li He didn't hesitate this time, "I can't give birth to an infatuated child!"

"..." The young Qingjun's face was a little tense, a little depressed, and he put the washed dishes aside, "What's wrong with the infatuated kind?"

He felt the need to clarify, and his tone was very serious: "Many people in history are infatuated."

"Mom, you can't discriminate."

"I didn't discriminate against them, I just discriminated against you."


"One by one, eat the fruit."

Lian Jue turned her head and met Li He's smiling eyes. She was a little embarrassed, and quickly took the fruit plate, "Thank you, aunt."

"You're welcome."

"That's right, one by one, how long do you plan to stay when you go back this time?"

"Well... let's see what my parents think then."

"When I go back this time, I'll be with Xiyuan, and then explain the matter clearly to my parents." Li He said gently.


"Auntie won't blame you on Auntie's side, but when she gets home, she may suffer from a little grievance. At that time, let Xiyuan bear it, and let your parents do as much as they want when they are beaten."

(End of this chapter)

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