1126 Chapter 78

The girl's tone was still pretending to be obedient in front of the elders, "I won't let my parents beat him."

"It doesn't matter," unexpectedly Li He waved his hand, "It has rough skin and thick flesh, so it's not afraid of being beaten."

After finishing all the dirty work, Li Xiyuan came out of the kitchen: "..."

He coughed, "Mom, it's getting late, you should go to a beauty sleep."

"Yeah, it's getting late." The woman glanced at him with a smile, her tone unquestionable, "You should go back to your room and go to bed, right? I'll talk to Yiyi again."

Ever since Li Xiyuan exposed this matter in front of his own mother, he never planned to take the covert route again, "Mom, it's not the morning to leave tomorrow, we still have time to chat."

Li He: "..."

This kid!Are you chasing your mother? !
However, if Li He can't deal with this kind of thing, then he will have lived for decades in vain. She is very calm: "You also know that you still have time tomorrow? What do you want to say to Yi Yi? Say it now, go ahead." sleep."

She was afraid that the two children would not be able to grasp the speed because they were young and greedy for pleasure, so she waited here, and she was relieved when she saw the two of them separated and went to sleep.

Li Xiyuan looked at the woman for a while, smiled, and sat down on the back of the sofa, "Mom, you can't do this, the night is mine."

Li He: "..."

Lian Jue: "..."

Li He's face was a little unnatural, she didn't expect him to be so straightforward!

"You bastard..."

She suppressed what she was going to say next, turned to the girl, and forced a smile again, "Yiyi, you..."

Lian Jue stood up in time and bowed, "Sister-in-law, good night, I'm going to bed first."

The girl slipped away quickly, in such a hurry that she didn't even think to put down the pillow she was holding.

Li Xiyuan stared at the back of the girl leaving.

The corners of the lips are slightly raised.

"Is it so interesting to tease little girls?" Li He looked at his goose who was still staring at him speechlessly.

"Mom, we won't do anything." Li Xiyuan turned his eyes, showing a soft and cute smile that he rarely showed since he grew up.

"That's impossible." Li He rolled his eyes, knowing what he was going to say.

She said in a deep voice: "Go back to sleep, don't do what you shouldn't do, just think about it in your head."

The eldest was alone, and was pushed back to the room by his mother.

With a bang, the door closed, and Li He told the people inside, "Go to bed early! I'm tired after running all day, don't let me hear the sound of you opening the door in the middle of the night, my ears are very good of."

"Understood, Mom." Li Xiyuan said calmly.

Li He naturally didn't believe it.

She stared at the empty doorway with a headache.

He muttered, "Next time I have to consider putting a lock on your door."

Then it occurred to them that they were going to the country soon.

Li He decided to tell his sister-in-law later.

Better get a lock for his door in the country too.

For a boy of this age, it is really worrying.


Lian Jue spread out the sheets, changed into the newly bought pajamas, and was about to go to bed.

Suddenly there were a few light knocks from the window.

She thought she was hit by a bird, so she didn't care, she lifted the quilt and lay down.


Lian Jue froze for a moment, climbed out of bed and opened the window.

Facing the face outside, "Are you... crazy?"

The balcony is so narrow, he actually stepped on the air conditioner and came over!
The young man leaned over and jumped in from the window sill, "Don't worry."

(End of this chapter)

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