1127 Chapter 79
The girl leaned on the window, with a look of god on her face, she shook her head, "You are crazy, you are crazy..."

It fell down by accident!
This is more than [-] floors.

"My mother looks at me too badly. She will definitely notice when I come out of the door."

"Then you can't take such a risk." Thinking about it, Lian Jue was still a little scared.

"Next time if you come from here again, I will never open the door for you." The girl said worriedly: "Do you remember?"

Li Xiyuan climbed onto her bed very skillfully, and comfortably covered her with the little pink and purple quilt his mother had just prepared for the girl, "Yi Yi, turn off the lights."

Lian Jue: "..."

"Did you hear it?!" She closed the window, unable to bear it any longer.

"I heard it. I'll be fine when I go back to the country. It's easier to climb the window. Anyway, it's the first floor." Li Xiyuan took her favorite Pai Daxing pillow and placed it comfortably on the back of her head.


It turned out that he even thought of this.

"Come on one by one, go to bed." Li Xiyuan patted the empty space beside him with reserved eyes.

Lian Toolman Jue turned off the light and walked over with a numb face.

Long nights, unintentional sleep.


While Li He waved goodbye one by one with concern, the two got into the car heading to the countryside.

"How do you live when you go home?"

This question is really worth studying, Lian Jue raised his chin, "You live in the east room, and I live in the west room."

Anyway, it's impossible to be next to each other.

"This can't escape the fate of turning the window." Someone commented.

"Be content, there is no spare room at home now, the east room is a utility room, my mother will probably pack it up for you tonight, or you will have to live with my dad, without even a chance to open the window. "

"There seems to be a room behind the pigsty, and you can live there too." The girl had a whim.

Li Xiyuan: "...Then I prefer to live with my father-in-law, and I can wait until he falls asleep before opening the window."

"What's wrong with the pigsty, the room in the pigsty has an air conditioner, okay..."

The car stopped at the intersection.

From the entrance of the village, you will arrive at the door of the house within a few turns.

Looking from a distance, two people were already standing at the door.

"Dad, mom."

Lian Jue was still quite nervous, pushing the suitcase over, not daring to speak louder.

He Cui looked away awkwardly, but she didn't lose face, "Bring the things in, let's eat."

The delicious smell of food floats in from the yard, and you can distinguish seven or eight kinds of dishes just by smelling them.

Lian Jue secretly sucked her saliva, her mother was really "speaking upright", with cruel words on her lips, she actually made so many dishes to welcome her home.

She sneaked a glance at Li Xiyuan.

However, he bumped into another pair of eyes on the way.

her daddy...

The girl retracted her gaze in fright.

A pair of warm big hands with thin calluses lifted the suitcase in her hand, "Go, what are you doing in a daze."

It's okay, the voice is still kind.

Lian Jue stroked his chest.

At the dinner table, He Cui said calmly, "Let's eat. You should be quite hungry after the car ride all the way."

Li Xiyuan nodded and smiled, "Thank you, Auntie."

For a meal, the food was a bit weird.

It's not that the food is not delicious, but that everyone looks different.

Lian Jue secretly observed around.

He Cui didn't say a word, and ate quietly, as motionless as a mountain.

Li Huawei's face was serious, he didn't look at anyone, he ate quietly, and occasionally gave her two chopsticks of meat, but he didn't speak.

(End of this chapter)

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