Chapter 1149 The Idol's Cat 1
"Shen Wu."

"It's almost your turn, Fw come on!"

In the lounge, nine youths in fancy clothes stood up, warmed up, and waited for the final notice.

In the stadium, where the straight-line distance was less than 50 meters, there were endless screams from the fans, and the crazy shouts penetrated the walls and pierced the roof straight, as if the ceiling was about to be pierced.


"Shen Wu!"

"Xie Shenghua!"

"Zhao Kai, Zhao Kai!"

But most of the people who shouted were still named Shen Wu.

In the waiting room under the stage, Zhao Kai, one of the members of FW, heard the waves of sound on the opposite side, and his expression was a little envious, "The captain's popularity is still so high."

"Isn't that the captain's popularity when we debuted, it's just that the number of fans has increased over the past few years." Another team member laughed.

On the stage, the host gave a cute smile, "The next group of performers believes that the fans and friends present, especially the young friends, will be familiar with it, and many of them should come for them... That’s right, the next stage is our special guest at the Huaxi Music Festival today—the FW group!”

The screaming and shouting value of the fans suddenly reached a peak.


"Shen Wu, Shen Wu! Mom loves you!"

"Natural idol Shen Wu!"

A low and magnetic voice like a cello sounded, and on the stage, a slender figure standing in the middle held a microphone in his hand, with a calm expression, "Hello everyone, we are..."

The breeze is blowing, the posture of the bright moon.




He yawned lazily under the sun, raised his little pad and stretched himself.

"Meow meow meow?"

The cat has a serious expression.

The little paw swung forward majestically.

That means—is the destination approaching?

"It's almost there, but..."

"Host, you stink." The system had to speak honestly.

"You'd better find a place to tidy up first." The system's tone was very tactful.

Lian Jue: "..."

Ever since she became a cat, she hasn't had a day off. The damn system didn't know what kind of bug occurred during the teleportation, and it teleported her to a place that was a city away from the male protagonist.

As a result, she has been on her way since two days ago.

Not to mention taking a bath, I didn't even take a rest.

Lian Maomao tilted his head and sniffed the smell of his hair.


It's okay, after smelling it for a long time, Lian Jue didn't think it smelled so bad.

At most, she just took a short cut through a sewer, and her hair was a little black from the sewage.


"I've read the profile of the male lead. He was born in military arts and the three generations of Hongmiaozheng. He is definitely not a person who judges a man by his appearance...ah no, he judges a cat by his appearance." From a little white cat to a little black cat Lian Jue swears by it.

"When we meet later, maybe seeing my downcast appearance will greatly increase my sympathy." This was after her most careful calculation.


Lian Jue combed his frizzy hair, feeling inexplicably confident in himself, "After all, I am his savior."

This time, the hero of the plane is an idol, a member of the national idol group FW.

It is also the mission goal of Lian Jue this time.

As for her mission...

Clear away the miasma around him.

In fact, this thing is very strange.

Shen Wu is not an ordinary person, his parents are in high positions, his grandfather is still an older generation involved in politics, and he has been the son of an upright cadre since childhood.

Whether it is physical quality or mental quality, he is the best among the second and third generations. It is reasonable to say that ordinary evils can't get close to him.

(End of this chapter)

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