Chapter 1150 The Idol's Cat 2
But it was so ordinary that the evil miasma didn't dare to get close to him, but it didn't mean that the stronger evil miasma was staring at his perfect human body.

This is a bit of a hassle.

The more powerful the existence, the easier it is to attract more powerful demons.

This time the other party encountered a very powerful evil miasma. The evil miasma's idea was simple and straightforward, eroding his brain and body, and finally replaced it at a suitable opportunity.

By the way, to help her complete the task, Lian Jue was given a skill this time, which can transform aura into the human body.

Now she is also a cat who can absorb the aura of heaven and earth.

The so-called aura of heaven and earth refers to flowers, plants, trees, and everything in the world.

As long as you enjoy the sunshine, everything in the essence of the world is fine, there is no limit, but the best and purest are found in plants and children under three years old.

Plants are pure and pure, and children are pure and spiritual.

Continuously inject the absorbed spiritual energy into the opponent's body, make the evil miasma invade and trap, and let the evil miasma shrink back and give up, which is considered a success.

Go through the task again, girl, no, the kitten rubbed the two small pads, and rushed forward with a fist: "Meow!"

Go to handsome guy!
Ah no, set off to the mission goal!

When passing by a car wash, the system couldn't help but whispered: "It seems that someone is washing the car, why don't you clean it up a little bit to make a good impression."

"Meow!" The girl's tone was firm: "Meow meow meow meow!"

No washing, I want the hero to see what I have done for him.


I always feel that the host is about to overturn.

Kitten slipped into the gym.

Fortunately, she was petite, curled up into a ball and looked from a distance as a small ball moving fast, and no security guards spotted her along the way.

The sound wave in the auditorium has gone down.

A lyric singer is singing on stage.

A few more important awards will be presented, and tonight's grand ceremony is over.

Lian Jue slipped to the backstage.


"Mr. Shen, this is the coffee that the staff just bought, your favorite vanilla latte."

"Thank you." In a light and polite voice.

A few boys were drinking coffee and preparing to go out for a stroll. They were just at the age of playing, and they reported to the manager noisily.

Manager Li Ge reminded: "There is an award below, don't forget to come back!"

"I know, I know... Captain, are you going?"

"Miss Xiaohua, whom I saw at the Spring Festival Gala last time, is here too! Oh my idol... I'm going to get an autograph this time, don't let anyone stop me."

The young man put down his coffee, and tapped the document on his knee with his long and thin fingers. This posture made him look long-legged even when he was sitting. "No, I'll read the script for a while."

Several handsome boys went out.

Li Ge said with emotion: "Xiao Wu is the most reassuring."

"By the way, what happened to the script I brought last time? Did you like it?"

Brother Li was very concerned.

It stands to reason that even if you are a singing and dancing idol, Shen Wu's strength is good enough to attract fans enough to gain a firm foothold in the entertainment industry, but in a place like the entertainment industry, the irreplaceability of being able to do pentathlon is naturally higher than others many.

"not yet."

Li Ge tentatively said: "Several of them are the IPs of great directors. They won the Hundred Flowers Award. I really don't like it? Why don't you pick and choose again? The first film is just to practice your hands. In fact, everything doesn't need to be perfect..."

The trouser legs seemed to be slightly pulled by something, Shen Wu lowered his head slightly, and bumped into a brown pupil.

(End of this chapter)

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