Chapter 1151 The Idol's Cat 3
His eyes slowly fell on the trousers of his Hermes.

A little stain in there.

The handsome young man moved his trouser legs away, "There is a stray cat here, take it away."

What the fuck? ? ?

The little cat who tried to greet him with free spiritual power was stunned.

Even if you deal with ordinary stray cats, there is no need to be so cruel, right?

The speechless kitten waved its paw, and Hermès' trouser legs became even dirtier.

Shen Wu glanced coldly, "Stay away from me."

"stray cat?"

Brother Li came over to check strangely: "Where is it?"

"Is there?" He searched around, very puzzled.

Shen Wu's eyes fell, looking at the half tail protruding from the corner of the table.

Still trembling.

He put down the script, looked away, and said in a calm voice, "Maybe he ran away."

Brother Li scratched his head. After watching for a long time, he didn't see a cat hair. He went back to continue talking about the script, "There is a new movie recently..."

Lian Jue walked to the bathroom with boring steps.

Pushing away the faucet with her claws, she rushed down silently, "Pooh!"

"This is the male protagonist who grew up in military art? Enthusiastic, kind, gentle? Love small animals?"


"Sorry host, I don't know why there is such a deviation from the data..."

The system felt a little guilty, after all, it found the information.

Lian Jue was silent for a while, took a shower, and sat on the balcony to dry with his sticky hair.

"It feels like he not only doesn't love small animals, but he especially hates cats."

The system held back a sentence and kept silent.

Host, have you ever thought about what if it is because you are too ugly?

But it didn't dare to say it.

Said he might be killed.

The kitten was nestled on the balcony, dripping water on its body. Fortunately, it was summer, and the bright sun fell on it. It didn't feel cold, but warm.

Back to the FW lounge again, the cat has been washed in sevens and eights, and has returned to its original appearance.

Milky white hair, and a circle of orange patterns on the back, small in stature, but big eyes.

Round, big, brown pupils flickering.

Since becoming a cat, Lian Jue has been quite depressed.

Can become a human, no one would want to be a short-legged cat.

But it is said that this is a side effect of special abilities, so she has nothing to do.

The system comforted: "When the task is 50.00% complete, you can appear in human form."

Lian Jue finally got some comfort.

The agent just now didn't know when he went out.

The assistant also went out.

Only Shen Wu was left in the lounge.

The long legs stretched out obliquely and rested on the ground.Somewhat casual yet still have a suave air that doesn't come off as rude.

Lian Jue walked over hesitantly with kitten steps, and silently stopped by his side.

She glanced at the stack of scripts lying beside him.

In the original plot, Shen Wu didn't pick a script that he particularly liked. In the end, he accepted a tribute movie. The production team was considered top-notch, and it turned out to be a blockbuster in theaters, but he was not very satisfied.

In the same year, another medical-themed movie became popular all over the Internet, and its going out of the circle became a phenomenon-level event that year.

The script is in the stack of scripts in front of me.

But before he could see it, his agent thought of it and eliminated him.

The other party's production team just sent it in fear and trepidation, but in fact they didn't expect much.After all, the investment they got was limited, and Shen Wu's status was enough to make people look up to.

(End of this chapter)

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