Chapter 1152 The Idol's Cat 4
The reason why the script was entrusted to the relationship was purely a fluke. Shen Wu's image and temperament were too close to the original work they changed, and they didn't want to let go of this opportunity to have a try.

Even with little hope.

The white cat slowly climbed up the table.

The little paw flicked lightly.


Shen Wu glanced over.

There were several scripts lying in a mess on the floor, and the table was empty.

Behind the desk, a white tail darted swiftly and disappeared.


He picked up the few notebooks on the ground, and finally his eyes stopped on one of them.

"Apricot Grove Full of Spring"


It seems that I haven't seen it yet.

Shen Wu stared slightly.

The remaining few scripts were put back on the table, and only this one was left for him to read.

Lian Jue ran under the table, yawned, and stayed there lazily for a while.

The little paw scratched his chin.

After waiting for a while, she felt that it was almost done, and then she walked out with graceful catwalks.

"Meow meow meow~"

Shen Wu lightly raised his eyes, and his eyes fell on the little cat on the ground.

Lian Jue didn't know what attitude the other party had now, so he didn't approach him.

Just standing far away, "Meow~"

You will win an award for acting in this movie.

He snorted, put down the script, and said in a flat voice, "It's you again."

Kitten: "..."

She took a few steps forward tentatively, cautious and careful as a small cat.

Two paws picked off the canvas shoes on his feet.

He looked at her quietly without making a sound.

Lian Jue tugged on his shoelace again.

As a result, he accidentally tore his shoelaces apart.


The little cat took a step back, and his body was in a defensive posture.

Shen Wu stared at the other party, and finally lifted his lips, "It's really ugly when you look at it from such a close distance."

Lian Jue: "?"


Are you blind?

"The hair is so messy, it must have just crawled out of some sewer."

He slowly uttered a sentence, "Maybe there are still germs on my body."


Have you said enough.

Obviously not enough.

"It's better to stay away from me." Shen Wu glanced away, his expression indifferent, "A pair of pants is nothing, if it touches my skin, it will cook you."


Is this something you can say to a cute kitten?
A heartless guy is simply inhuman!

Lian Jue suddenly noticed that the other party changed a pair of pants at some point.

It's her fault for dirtying his pants... But, he can't be a clean freak.

Then how can she get close to him in the future?

How can a clean freak be willing to be a shit shoveler?
Heart wow wow wow cool.

Do you want her to wander outside every day and open the door at night to instill spiritual power in him?

The system made a move: "Why don't you, the host, get out of here and call a few more times?"

"Cleanliness is nothing compared to cuteness."

The kitten rubbed its paws on its face and meowed several times in a low voice.


The meow of the little milk cat is as milky as the cat itself, soft and soft and pleasant to hear.


The voice finally caught the attention of the male protagonist.

Withdrawing his gaze from the script, he lowered his head.

"Haven't left yet?" Junyan frowned, "You're not in heat, are you?"

The kitten froze in place holding its paws.

At the turn of spring and summer, there are stray cats and dogs barking everywhere, heart-piercing, and there is no peace at night.

Shen Wu hated it deeply.

Seriously affected his songwriting speed.

But the kitten in front of me...

After being yelled at by him, he stopped screaming, digging the floor with his two paws, and his beautiful pupils seemed to have a different kind of grievance.

(End of this chapter)

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