Chapter 1153 The Idol's Cat 5
Shen Wu's expression eased a little.

It's probably not a real estrus either.

So young... probably not even an adult.

The remaining conscience made him take out a sausage from his teammate's bag, and said in a cold voice, "Eat it and leave."

"Wait until someone finds out."

The handsome face is light and calm: "I boiled you."

Kitten: "..."

No one cooks a kitten except you.

Of course Lian Jue didn't listen to him, but squinted at his feet for a while.

Anyway, no one else has come yet.

The milky-white kittens were huddled together, lying at his feet.

The floor was a little cold, and she couldn't sleep comfortably, but there was no other option.

Two days into the marathon, I was exhausted.

"Mr. Shen, FW is on stage to accept the award!"

A staff member hurriedly opened the door.

"Thank you for your hard work."

After Shen Wu said politely, he stood up.

The slender legs are fully exposed.

The belt is always tied very high on him, because the body proportions are so perfect.

He glanced down at the bottom of the table.

The little group of figures had disappeared.

He looked up indifferently and walked out of the lounge.

"Golden Melody Award! I have won such a high-gold award in two years since my debut, I have to say that I am so awesome!"

Although FW has won various mainstream awards since its debut, and is already the most recognized among the existing debut groups, but such a professional award as the Golden Melody Award is generally unthinkable.

They are estimated to be the first fashion group to receive this award.

Several young people were a little excited, and the excitement on their faces could not be suppressed.

"Show me the trophy."

"Why are you so proud, [-]% of the fans who voted are captain fans..."

In the corner, the kitten sneezed several times in a row.

The team members were making noise, but they didn't hear it.

Shen Wu looked over and frowned slightly.

The little one nested in the corner, rubbing its paws on its face, probably thinking that no one could see it, its eyes were blank and it didn't know what it was thinking.

The ham just now was quietly placed beside it without moving.

He still doesn't leave.

Manager Li Ge walked into the room, "Okay, now the audience outside has exited, and only the fans of the support club are left. Let's exit through the special passage now."

The members changed from their fancy clothes to simple casual clothes.

But even so, the men's team is well-bred, all of them have tall legs and long legs, and even the most ordinary clothes can be seen to be different from ordinary people.

The temperament is outstanding.

The little cat in the corner raised its head and frowned slightly.

Lian Jue clearly saw a cloud of black air appearing behind the person in position c in the crowd.

The people around him seem to have never seen them, and they are still packing their things.

She was the only cat watching the cloud of black air getting closer and closer to him.

She stared intently.

At the last moment when he finally managed to touch the young man's back, as if he had been frightened by something, the black shadow quickly bounced away, tearing apart and flying a long distance away.

It's kind of like... Humans being charcoaled to the fingertips.

Although it was far away, the black shadow continued to stare unwillingly from a distance. When he moved a step, it moved a step.

The kitten yawned lazily.

This vicious miasma did not perform well.

With this strength, it can't hurt the male protagonist of the plane in the short term.

"What is the evil miasma formed?" Lian Jue asked the system.

"The souls of the dead, those who are full of resentment, will become a vicious miasma, ranging from lingering in the world for decades, to never falling into reincarnation."

(End of this chapter)

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