Chapter 1155 The Idol's Cat 7
A little milk cat nestled in the boy's arms, with big eyes rolling around, very agile.

Especially when Shen Wu raised his palm, the little head suddenly stuck out and bumped.

Junyan looked down and touched.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

The move immediately sparked screams.

"Wow, so cute."

"Holding a cat or something is too cute!"

"Sister, my brother is so caring!"

"That's right, it's the same in guest movies before. My brother even rescued a stray dog ​​when he was on the set. How caring!"

Only Lian Jue knew that Shen Wu had a brain collapse after touching her.


Ha ha.

Nine people got into the car one after another, turning their heads and waving to their fans from time to time.


"Put more clothes on, it's too cold at night."

"Go back and pay attention to safety one after another at night."

Fans screamed in response.

"Brother go to bed early!"

"Zhao Kai!!! Pay attention to rest!"

"Brother Shen Wu, this is my handicraft..."

Lots and lots of presents stuffed in through the car windows.

Lian Jue nestled on Shen Wu's lap, "..."

The side is full of presents, which almost squeezed her thin.

Shen Wu is still talking to fans.

The voice was so gentle that she had never heard it before.

"Brother, I will fly to see you!"

"Thank you."

"Brother, I got the first place in the class this time..."

"It's great, study hard, and try to get into the imperial capital."

"Brother, can you record me an alarm clock calling for morning..."

He took the recorder, "Come on, today is another day of hard work."

The magnetic voice is like the sound of nature.

"Ahhhhhh!" A few more fans went crazy.

The driver has already opened his mouth to urge, only Shen Wu's window still has people stuffing gifts in continuously.

Shen Wu turned his eyes to look at the driver uncle, his handsome face was gentle and polite: "Please wait a moment."

The few girls who were about to record at the end also stepped back contentedly.

The car finally started.

"The captain's popularity is the highest every time."

The other members looked at the gifts on their own seats, although there were quite a few, but when they looked at the other party's, they were neatly piled up into several hills, and couldn't help sighing.

Lian Jue managed to crawl out from the bottom of the pile of presents, poking his head out.


The messy ribbons were wrapped around her body, and she was a little helpless.

Shen Wu just read a letter from a fan, and glanced at it from the corner of his eye.

The little white milk cat was crawling around as if it had lost its direction at the moment. At some point, a ribbon was wrapped around its head, and the bow was just hanging on its forehead.



Lian Jue felt a shadow fall over his head, and then he was caught by the throat of fate, and was lifted up with a dazed expression.

A clear and faint voice sounded, "I caught it."

She looked over in bewilderment.

"You stole my bow."

Lian Jue: "?"

The friends in the back row also caught a glimpse of this scene, and couldn't help leaning over to stare at the kitten, "Wow, it's really cute."

"Thief." Shen Wu said lightly.

Yuu was dumbfounded, "Huh?"

He looked at the cat, then at the person, confused.

Why didn't you understand what the captain said?

After "The Clown Cat", "Boiled", and "Catching People", there is another "thief" who is blamed, and Lian Jue has become calm.

Didn't you say I'm a thief?Then I will sit down and steal a piece of chocolate on the left, hey, a lollipop on the right.

(End of this chapter)

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