Chapter 1156 The Idol's Cat 8
The kitty is happy.

Donald Duck quacked inwardly.

Lian Jue rolled all into her time-space bag, which was also one of her tricks.

After becoming a cat, I can't store things with me like a human being, so I was compensated for this cheat.

For example, in the current situation, Lian Jue felt that it was quite useful.

Shen Wu untied the messy ribbons wrapped around the cat's body.

The ribbon fell off, and the little milk cat was empty.

He looked at it for a while, and suddenly felt that it was not as pleasing to the eye as before.

The little thing lowered her head, and she didn't know what she was fiddled with with her paws. It seemed that all the gifts from his fans had been reduced to toys under her paws.

Lian Jue finally raised her head, her angle was facing the mirror, and she suddenly saw herself in the mirror.


In the middle of the forehead, there is just a bow tied tightly.

Pink with colorful tails.


When she wasn't paying attention, he took off the bow and tied it on her head!
The little cat was very sad and angry. As a mighty animal, this did not fit her domineering identity at all!
Shen Wu's palm fell, and his voice was calm, "Since I like it so much that I want to steal it, I'll give it to you. I'm not a stingy person."

Lian Jue: "..."

I think you have that serious illness.

The kitten, who was forced to wear a tacky bow, turned and coldly turned her butt towards him.

Shen Wu slightly hooked the corner of his lower lip.

It's just a stray cat, but it actually made him have cute thoughts several times...

It doesn't seem so annoying anymore.

Ruan Ruan, a little milk cat stealing all kinds of precious chocolates, turned his back to someone, thinking very darkly in his heart, wondering if his fans would turn off fans after seeing his true face.

Lian Jue figured out one thing, the reason why he took her out of the lounge and said he was going to send her to the homeless station, maybe it was to show off how caring he is in front of fans?
Maybe someone will take photos and post them on the Internet, and then the marketing account will turn to a high-quality hot search...

"Captain! You're on the hot search." As soon as a member clicked on Weibo, Shen Wu's related push popped up.

The manager who was a little drowsy immediately woke up, "What?"

The content of the trending search originated from a post posted by a fan on the post bar. The accompanying text said that my brother and Mao Mao are a good match, followed by countless exclamation points.Then with some pictures of the scene.

The picture is blurred and blurred, only the figure of the young man holding the cat can be seen in the middle.

Gray sweater, long and thin fingers, and eyes looking at cats when looking down.

The crazy comments below are all about how caring my brother is, how gentle my brother is when he hugs a cat, my brother is so youthful.

The slender fingers slid the phone, and a reflection appeared on the screen.

Shen Wu raised his eyes, and saw a small milky white head approaching, staring at the screen intently.


He moves the phone away.

The little cat didn't realize it, and leaned closer to the phone again, perhaps because it hadn't seen the person sliding down for a long time, and even looked up at him.

Lian Jue finished reading those pictures, they were really blurry, she was not very satisfied as the protagonist.

"Have you become a spirit?" Shen Wu slowly uttered a word.

He stared at the milky white cat in front of him.

You have just become refined.

Lian Jue started directly by himself, put his paw on the phone and tried to pull it down.

She pulled it several times without success.

Instead, several scratches appeared on the screen.

(End of this chapter)

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