Chapter 1157 The Idol's Cat 9
Lian Jue: "..."

Oh, she didn't do it on purpose.

Shen Wu didn't care.

Glancing at the cat, he felt that he was thinking too much.

The little one just loves to play.

On the contrary, his idea of ​​always associating it with people does not know how it came out.

Before Lian Jue finished watching the news, the other party put away the phone.

She had no choice but to look away regretfully.

Her mouth is poisonous enough, she can say whatever she wants, if she says he is on the trending searches, she will be on the trending searches, even the content is pretty much the same.

Lian Jue hastened to wish that he would become the richest man in the world after becoming a human.

The car stopped at the villa.

The members got out of the car one after another.

"Captain, goodbye!"

"Captain, see you tomorrow!"

"See you tomorrow~ Captain rest early."

Shen Wu nodded, "See you tomorrow."

After the agent got out of the car, the car restarted and stopped at another part of the villa complex in about 10 minutes.

The best viewing area.

Shen Wu does not live with the team members.

Building C of Fenglin Tianxia is a villa prepared by the company for FW, a cash cow group. This is the most famous villa group in the entire imperial capital, and many celebrities have settled here.

It is said that the value of a villa can reach hundreds of millions.

Building C has his room, but Shen Wu has never lived in it once.

He wanted to write songs and needed the quietest environment, so he bought A with the best scenery and the lowest noise in Fenglin Tianxia with his own money.

The driver stopped the car and said respectfully, "Master Shen, we're here."

Shen Wu who returned home was much more relaxed than during the day, "Thank you Uncle Wang, let's go home early."

After bumping all the way, even Jue was a little confused, the whole cat was a little confused, and when he raised his head, he finally realized one thing, are you home?

To his house?

So, the aid station...

The backpack with the guitar was randomly thrown in the living room. After changing his shoes, he went up the stairs.

He didn't let go of the kitten in his hand all the time.

Lian Jue blinked, a little incomprehensible.

He has already left the camera, and all the hot searches for showing love are on the top. Shouldn't he just throw it to the rescue station? What else does he want to do?
The bathroom door was opened and he started filling the tub with water.

The milky white kitten was a little uneasy, its paws took a step forward, and then retreated.

After he finished turning on the hot water, Lian Jue knew what he was going to do.

He picked it up from the ground and threw it in!

The milky white kitten instantly turned into a drowned cat.

I fuck you uncle!
Can't you take it easy?
However, what came out was a few meow meow.

Shen Wu obviously didn't have any sympathy, he fished the flopping kitten out of the bathtub.


The kitten's eyes were covered with hair, and its cry was weak.

Shen Wu paused, and fished the kitten out of the bathtub.

He found a towel, wiped the kitten, and put it back in a basin.

The cat was squeezed with bath bubbles.

The slender fingers stretched into the basin and kneaded at will.

The strength is actually very gentle and comfortable.

"Do you know why I bathed you?"

"Meow." The cat finally recovered its eyesight and blinked.

"Because your dirty aid station won't want you."


Lian Jue just wanted to spit on his face, but since he was still bathing her, forget it.

... The technique has the potential of a shit-shoveling officer, and digging may be even better.

Noticing its gaze, Shen Wu raised his eyelids in a neutral manner, "What are you looking at?"

"Go ahead and gouge out your eyes."

Hehe, do you think this girl will be afraid?

The cat turned its eyes, but stopped looking at him.

(End of this chapter)

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