Chapter 1173 The Idol's Cat 25
Back at the villa, Shen Wu took the cat from Xiaojing's arms, with a stinky face the whole time, that expression was no different from the next stink bomb.


"You still have the face to meow?" Shen Wu's heck came, "I can't sleep after working all day, and I'm here to deal with your mess again."

Lian Jue shut his mouth tightly knowing that he was wrong.

Her forehead was tapped severely, causing her head to sway back unsteadily.


She looked up tearfully, and couldn't help meowing again.

Obviously I am here to save your life!

Was thrown into the basin, splashed water.

Shen Wu has already recognized the reality, no matter how disgusted he is in his heart, he can only resign himself to his fate.

Otherwise, it would be himself who stinks at night.

Although it is also possible to invite the cleaning lady to come over, it is not possible. Others are resting well. It is not ethical to wake people up at this point.

The cat didn't move at all, probably knowing that it was wrong, so it just kept silent.

No matter how much strength he has, he will not move.

A ruthless tool for being bathed in.

Shen Wu covered the kitten with layer after layer of bath foam, while cleaning, occasionally raising his head to wipe the thin sweat from his forehead.

Once in the middle, I looked up and saw myself in the mirror in the bathroom, "..."

Where is there even the slightest appearance of an idol.

He felt a little hot in his eyes and looked away.

"Eating and drinking for free every day." Shen Wu snorted.

"It's fine to eat and drink for free, and you only know how to make trouble."

Even Jue is not easy to provoke, she helps him behind his back every day, yet she is said to eat and drink for free.

Immediately stretched out his paw and grabbed it.

Immediately afterwards, the kitten was hit hard on the buttocks.

"Say you're not happy?"

Meeting the other party's displeased eyes, Lian Jue: "Shut up, you stinky pig, be careful, I will send you home tonight with Miasma."

It's a pity that it was meow meow as soon as it was exported.

Looking down at the cat again, Shen Wu didn't know what he thought of, his brows that had been frowning loosened, and his movements became gentler.
He sighed: "Since I adopted you, Dad will raise you to the end. Don't worry, no matter how dirty or ugly you are, Dad will never dislike your daughter."

Kitten: "???"

I treat you like a brother, why do you want my dad? ! !

"What are you looking at?" Condescendingly scratching the kitten's short nose, Shen Wu was silent for a while, and couldn't help but comment: "Dad is so tall and handsome, and the bridge of his nose is also tall and straight..."

"Your beauty is not even one-tenth of your father's and mine."

Lian Jue scratched his back which was itchy by Bubble.

She thought noble and glamorous in her heart.

What do you know, this is a childish face.

The more three-dimensional the facial features like you are, the faster you can understand it.

Shen Wu was a little bit obsessed with cleanliness, he washed the cat over and over three times before finally giving up.

Lian Jue was wrapped in a brand new towel and carried upstairs.

Just after taking a bath, Shen Wu still felt a little pity, put his daughter's cat litter into the room, raised his handsome eyebrows slightly, "I'll sleep here tonight."

After being arranged a new residence, the kitten turned over, its eyelids drooping terribly.

Shen Wu went to take a bath, and the sound of splashing water was endless.

He took a bath for her today, and his cleanliness would probably wash his whole body at least three times.

Listening to the intermittent sound of water, the kitten yawned and fell asleep after a while.

She ran all day and was too tired.

When I woke up again, the morning light was already falling on the floor.

The cat turned over, and it took a while for the round cat pupils to turn from confusion to sobriety.

(End of this chapter)

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