Chapter 1174 The Idol's Cat 26
She suddenly remembered one thing, did she forget to renew Shen Wu's life last night?
The kitten woke up instantly.

I was so tired last night that I fell asleep directly, and I forgot all about the evil.

Only the sheets were left on the bed, and the short-lived ghost had already woken up.

The cat jumped down the stairs lightly.

In the kitchen, Shen Wu, who was wearing slacks and a sweater, was making sandwiches.

The spirit is not very good.

Strange to say, last night he seemed to sleep more heavily than usual, and he was a little dizzy when he woke up in the morning.

Waking up early for such a period of time, occasionally back and spine chills.

Heart rate is also a little irregular.

I thought I just had a fever.

But the temperature gauge was measured and everything was normal.

He casually made a sandwich for breakfast, and Shen Wu planned to take the cat to the hospital for a full-body examination after eating.

He will be joining the film crew soon, and he doesn't want to make any trouble.

Lian Jue went downstairs and found the difference in Shen Wu at a glance.

The black mist behind him has a faint tendency visible to the naked eye.


Sure enough, I can't do without watching for a day.

I don't know why the evil miasma and her have a good understanding, but last night I guess it was a full ten strength mark.

She is lazy occasionally and missed it once in a while, why is it so bad!
Shen Wu was fiddling with the sandwich maker, luckily he didn't look over here.

Lian Jue jumped onto the bar and gave Duan Lingli to him ready-made.

Just absorbed it last night, look, how quickly it is used.

Shen Wu moved his steps and put the finished sandwich on the marble dining table.

"Shen Mo?"

He raised his head and yelled lightly towards the stairs.


At this point the cat turns around from the corner of the table, pretending to have just run down the stairs.

Shen Wu glanced down, picked it up and put it on the opposite chair, "It's time to eat."

In front of her was a neat pile of cat food.


One person and one cat eating at the same table is amazing enough.

After so many days, Lian Jue felt that he was [-]% used to cat food, just like eating nuts, he lowered his head and chewed, and everyone who saw it said it was delicious.

After Shen Wu finished eating, he stared at her quietly.

Lian Jue wiped his mouth to indicate that the cooking was done, and the cat pupils looked at him brightly.

Being stared at by a cat like this, Shen Wu suddenly felt a strange feeling in his heart.

But it didn't take long for his attention to be diverted by another matter.

I don't know if it's because of the food, but he has become much more energetic, and his heart rate doesn't seem to be irregular since he came to the table for dinner.

The back is warm, and the sun is very strong today.

Probably because he got cold in the morning, he thought.

Since the symptoms disappeared after eating a meal, there is no need to go to the hospital, Shen Wu stood up, picked up the cat, and said in a calm voice, "I will take you to uncle's house today."

Lian Jue: "..."

It seems to be one of his good brothers.

But... don't you have work today?
Cat is puzzled.

Shen Wu did not have a job today.

Unless it is a special rush, FW has a custom of taking one day off a month.

This month is today.

It's inconvenient to go shopping, it's meaningless to be at home, and it's unnecessary to work, so Shen Wu decides to spend a day at a friend's house.


"Hello." Qin Feng was in the middle of taking his sister on the scoreboard, so he dialed a number and got through.

His hands were flying like flying, and he was babbling: "I suddenly remembered something. Didn't you have a cat after reading the news? Bring your cat here and play with me... I haven't seen it yet." What is it like for you to raise a cat, tsk tsk tsk..."

Qin Feng shook his head, thinking that the picture must be very unimaginable.

 Thank you Luci Muruan for rewarding a bottle of iced Coke!

(End of this chapter)

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