Chapter 1189 The Idol's Cat 41
After a while, it was time to try on clothes, Shen Wu stood up, followed by most of the staff in the lounge.

Only Xiao Jing was left.

Lian Jue pulled the cage, a little bored.

After a while, other staff members in the room also went to the shooting scene to watch the excitement.

Xiao Jing put down the comic book, smiled and scratched the little milk cat's chin across the cage, "Momo, I'm going to the bathroom, I'll be back in a while."

Lian Jue actually wanted to say that it doesn't matter if you want to go and shoot magazines.

But she couldn't speak human language.

It seems that Xiaojing really just went to the toilet, and hurried out with toilet paper.


Studio, break time.

The staff next to him delivered magazines from the current issue.

Shen Wu took it and read a few pages.

A staff member hurried over with sweat all of a sudden, "Teacher Shen."

He lowered his voice intermittently, "Your cat seems to be lost, lost..."

There was a lot of people around, and the noise was too strong, Shen Wu's finger holding Zhiye trembled inexplicably, and he frowned, "What did you say?"

The staff turned blue, "I'm sorry, Mr. Shen, your cat is missing..."

He finally heard the other party's voice clearly.

The young man's complexion sank instantly.

There is only an empty cage in the lounge, and Xiao Jing who is standing at a loss.

Shen Wu walked over with big strides, and the wind and rain were about to come: "What do you think?"

Xiao Jing was at a loss at first, and she almost didn't cry, but now she saw her boss, who she hadn't seen for a year, had a bad temper, and she burst into tears.

"I'm sorry, boss, I, I just went to the toilet, and Momo disappeared when I came back."

Shen Wu stared at the empty cage, and slowly calmed down, "She's always been smart, maybe she flipped the switch outside, she's nearby, she shouldn't run far."

Xiao Jing nodded hurriedly, "I'll look for it right away!"

In fact, before Shen Wu knew about it, she and the staff member next to her had been searching for nearly half an hour. Frightened and frightened, she had no choice but to tell Shen Wu.

But maybe, maybe it's just that I didn't find it just now, Xiaojing wiped her tears and went out to look for it again.

There is still the last set of shooting, but it is obviously not going on now.

The staff at the scene put down their work one after another, contacted the building to check the monitoring, and helped those who found the cat to find the cat.

Although the photographer said that the ending could not be done, Shen Wu still completed the last group of shots.

The photographer was an Englishman, and he was surprised to ask him in English if he was not worried.

Shen Wu's face was calm, "It's her meal time in half an hour, I think she will come back when she gets tired from playing."

He knows her life habits.

However, as time passed, there were no cats in the lounge.

after an hour.

Shen Wu's face was beyond ugly and indescribable, "Have you searched for everything?"

"Yes... all of them."

Xiao Jing grabbed her fingers, her crying eyes were swollen into walnuts.

All the places in the whole building where people can go up and down have been turned upside down. Shen Wu's cat was lost on the shooting site, and the people in the magazine are also afraid, afraid that this bad impression will be held on their heads from now on. Can't get rid of it.

At the same time, the monitoring in the monitoring room was also transferred.

After the staff assembled it, they sent it to Shen Wu.

On the tablet, he saw the last picture of the kitten in this building.

(End of this chapter)

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