Chapter 1190 The Idol's Cat 42
Actually this is the case.

When Xiao Jing went to the toilet, Lian Jue was still in the cage, thinking about what kind of canned cat food the shit shoveler brought for him.

The next second she paused.

The door opened.


The round cat pupils instantly turned into a thin line.

The black figure, the figure that gradually tends to materialize, is it not evil!

Good guy has become so strong?
It looks like not only has absorbed enough Reiki, but also has a stronger sense of self.

The other party swayed around, and looked directly at Lian Jue outside the cage for a moment.

What she didn't expect was that the evil miasma screamed at her.

Lian Jue: "..."

The voice was menacing and menacing.

It's like knowing that she has been protecting Shen Wu.

After threatening, Evil Miasma turned around, didn't seem to find what he was looking for, turned his head and left.

Naturally, Lian Jue couldn't let go of this opportunity.

Now that Miasma already has a semi-entity, it wouldn't be an exaggeration to take this opportunity to challenge it, right?
She stretched out her claws and opened the latch of the cage. That thing was nothing to her.

The kitten followed behind the evil miasma and walked out of the building.

However, this is another scene during the surveillance.

Shen Wu watched the kitten in the picture step by step unlatch, jump out of the cage, and then leave the building step by step steadily.

Quietly walked out of the range of all surveillance cameras.

Even not far after walking out of the building, she suddenly stopped and looked back.

Through a thin screen, one cat and one person stare at each other.

He slowly lowered the tablet.

The editor-in-chief of the magazine specially came over and said, "Mr. Shen, we have notified all the nearby monitoring coverage areas. As long as the cat is still nearby, even if you leave the building, you can still find it."

Brother Li has also arrived, and was discussing countermeasures with someone. Finally, he turned his head and said, "Xiao Wu, I asked my assistant to edit a Weibo, and it will be posted on your Weibo account later. If you can't find it today, Send this Weibo tomorrow, with the help of fans, it should be faster."

Shen Wu stared at a certain point for a while, "Anything is fine."

He was a little lost in thought.

My mind is filled with what happened today.

For a moment, Shen Wu wondered if he had spoken too seriously in the afternoon.

Shouldn't it be said that it was raised in vain?

It has always been eccentric, and in his eyes it is even more refined, and occasionally behaves as if it can understand people's speech.

Does it feel...he doesn't want to raise it?
Or, did it simply not want to be by his side anymore.

And the look in his eyes when he left at the end.

Is... Farewell?

Shen Wu pressed his aching temple.


He opened his eyes suddenly.

The kitten squatted at his feet helplessly.

Who is not his cat?
To be honest, Lian Jue was a little confused, but when she looked up and saw the watch hanging on the wall, her confusion gradually turned into a guilty conscience.

She just went to teach the monster a lesson, and she didn't expect to waste so much time.

Could it be... Shen Wu meant that she ran away?
My heart skipped a beat.

No wonder so many people came all the way just now, could it be that they are all... looking for cats? ? !
It's over.What should I do, is it really too late to run now?
Shen Wu didn't move or speak, he just stared at her for at least ten seconds.

Just when Lian Jue rubbed his paws and was about to jump out of the window to escape.


The whole cat was picked up and received a heavy slap on the buttocks. At the same time, accompanied by that cold and magnetic voice, "Leave, home, go, go?"

(End of this chapter)

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