Chapter 1191 The Idol's Cat 43
Charges were laid down.

He was also arrested on the spot.

But beyond Lian Jue's expectation, Shen Wu didn't lose his temper or say anything to her little cat who "run away from home".

When she got back to the hotel, she even made a plate of fruit that she could eat.

It was beyond Lian Jue's expectation.

Before eating, the kitten lowered its head and sniffed cautiously.

Shen Wu half-kneeled on the floor, noticed the kitten's messy hair, and gently rubbed the other's raised cat ears with his fingertips, "What did Mo Mo go out for?"

That's a long time to say, it's a fierce fight outside the building... In short, neither side got any benefits, but Lian Jue is slightly better than Lian Jue.


Anyway, I won't leave you.

before the mission ends.

Shen Wu acted as if he could understand her words, "Dad knows that you have always been obedient."


Stop touching my ears! ! !
Itching to death.

Glancing in the mirror, her ears were red, and she was pinched and ravaged by the other party for an unknown amount of time.

Even the cat's pupils were a little flushed.

She struggled.

Shen Wu let go of his hand.

He gently touched the other person's head, "Dad doesn't speak very nicely during the day, I'm sorry, but you hide and don't make a sound, who can do other things with peace of mind? It's not for the sake of you little guy."

The kitten turned over lazily.


Shen Wu went to open a can of cat food.

Staring at the picture of the kitten licking canned cat food, Shen Wu felt more and more like an old father.

There is no star at all.

There's no way, my own daughter, what else can I do.

I can only spoil it.

But...he had to admit that the moment he saw it again in the photography building, his heart seemed to settle down.

Shen Wu squatted next to the cat, his handsome face was a bit thoughtful.

Sure enough, animals like this, no matter how cold and hard-hearted people are, they will develop feelings after a long time.

Most importantly, the place in my heart that has been empty all these years seems to be filled unconsciously.

He sighed, feeling that the aloof self he used to be was gone forever.

After taking a shower, Lian Jue was carried into bed rarely.

my God!

Shen Wu's bed is really soft.

Usually meeting the cold eyes of the other party, she would never find trouble to climb into bed, but today he took the initiative to hug her up.

The little cat looked over suspiciously.

Then the eyes were covered.

"You are not allowed to peek at the boys changing clothes." A slightly cold voice.


Who knew you were changing clothes!
After slandering, Lian Jue secretly opened a gap.

Oh wow.

His fingers were not tightly covered, Lian Jue could see his appearance clearly through the gaps between his long fingers.

He was only wearing a pair of khaki baggy shorts, and his upper body was bare.

Shen Wu usually looks a little thin, this is a characteristic of their profession.

Idol's figure management is very strict.

But at the same time, there is meat in the clothes.

Not to mention the six-pack abs, the wide shoulders and narrow hips, the inverted triangle figure...

It's a pity that Lian Jue's heart is calm.

As a kitten, what waves can there be.

Shen Wu changed into home clothes.

He rubbed the kitten casually, but sensitively sensed the other person's high body temperature, and frowned and moved closer, "Have a fever?"


Only then did the kitten realize that his body temperature was a little high, his heartbeat seemed to be a little fast, and his perfect expression was a little cracked.

The system tut tut.

Suspected of integrity.

Shen Wu measured his forehead temperature with a temperature gun and found that it was indeed a bit high, but fortunately it was within the normal value.

(End of this chapter)

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