Chapter 1193 The Idol's Cat 45

But it will take a long time for you to come back this time, I am worried that the evil miasma will hurt you.

There was a hint of pleading in the cat's eyes without even realizing it.

The corners of Shen Wu's lips curled slightly, but his attitude remained unchanged, and he said in a low voice, "You will be boring."

On the other end of the phone, Shen's mother said, "What's the matter? Is Mo Mo unwilling?"

Shen Wu looked at the cat, "Well, probably because I've been with me for a long time these days, it doesn't look like I really want to leave."

Lian Jue: "..."

You can be so narcissistic.

Shen's mother heard the words, her tone was very sad, "Mo Mo, a little villain, I have taken care of her for so long, but I am still the closest to you."

Shen Wu snorted and laughed, "Of course, I raised it after all."

Shen's mother sighed, and said half-truthfully, "When she comes back, I will starve her for two days."


It is clear that your son is too narcissistic!
Don't mention how innocent the cat is.


After Shen Wu's tour this time, it took a total of one month.

During this month, he basically kept in touch with his family through video calls every two days on average.

Mother Shen is naturally happy.

Usually, Shen Wu and she also have video calls, but basically once a week, or once every half a month.

With the connection hub of Maomao, she chatted with her son a lot more.

There is also more chat content.

It is the happiest thing for Shen's mother to see her children's healthy living conditions with her own eyes.

In every video chat, not only Shen's mother, but also the kitten waited by stretching its neck on time.

Every time this matter was brought up by Shen's mother to Shen Wu, Shen's mother was as happy as anything.As for Shen Wu, the corners of his lips also raised.


She really didn't want to shovel shit.

Not so impatiently.

She just wants to confirm the other party's status, to see if there is any hiccup in the mission target that is not under the nose every day.

Maybe it was the reason why she made a big setback to the evil miasma last time, Lian Jue discovered that Shen Wu's mental state was quite good in the past month.

It seems that Miasma has not troubled him again in the short term.

Shen Wu glanced at his cat in a daze through the lens, he was in a good mood, and took a cherry with his long fingers, "Shen Mo, do you want to eat it?"


The kitten jumped up, and there was an instant look in the cat's pupils.

Cherries are her favorite fruit.

Shen Wu naturally knew this, and put the cherry in his hand into his lips.


What are you doing, eating and broadcasting?

The kitty watched helplessly as the other party spit out a nucleus slowly and gracefully.

She was speechless.

But the eyes betrayed her.

The kitten stared eagerly at the rippling cherries in the glass bowl at the camera.

The tail behind him shook emotionally.

Wow, that looks sweet.


"It's sweet."

Shen Wu only ate one, took out a piece of paper and wiped his hands slowly, his low magnetic voice was pleasant to the ear.

He stared at the kitten for a while, resting his chin on one hand, with a casual expression: "When I go back in two days, if I behave well, I can consider buying you a catty."

The kitten immediately purred obediently.

Even the sitting posture is inexplicably ladylike.

He smiled happily.

Stretch out your fingers, and gently trace the cat on the screen in a circle, with a slightly high-spirited expression, "Good girl."

Let's take advantage of this advantage, anyway, there is no substantial loss.

Lian Jue's heart is full of the promised catty of cherries.

(End of this chapter)

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