Chapter 1194 The Idol's Cat 46
Two days later, FW ended his national tour and got on a plane back to BJ.

When Shen Wu came back from the airport, he didn't go home immediately, but asked the driver to drive directly to the old house.


With the sound of footsteps, a ball of wool rolled out of the living room, rolled all the way, and rolled right under the person's feet.

A kitten ran along the wool and stopped at the young man's feet.

Seeing the familiar pair of sneakers, she looked up holding the fur ball.

One person and one cat stare at each other.


He picked her up, and a part of his heart softened.

This is an experience that has never been experienced before.

"Did you miss me?"

The young man's voice is slightly magnetic and nice.



The meowing of the little milk cat was also leisurely, and it sounded milky.

The corners of Shen Wu's lips curled up.

"Looks a little thinner."

"I lost weight. I lost two catties recently." Shen's mother sighed.

Shen Wu's eyes fell back on the cat, and he raised his eyebrows, "Is it because you miss me too much?"

The kitten nestling on his chest rolled its eyes.

Just be narcissistic.

Shen's mother explained with a smile: "It's because Mo Mo has been too playful recently, and he ate a lot but he just didn't grow."

Shen Wu murmured, staring at the kitten playing with the fur ball in his arms, his eyes focused, "Where does she usually go to play?"

"That's a lot, but I love running in the park, especially playing with children. If there are children on the lawn of the park, they can play until dark every time." Shen's mother gushed.

Shen Wu shook the kitten's fleshy cheeks with his long fingers, "Why are you so disobedient? Be careful that the child will take you away."

The kitten didn't respond.

I don't know when it started, or from the very beginning, she hugged the fur ball and played towards me, and the other sounds around her focused eyes seemed to be blocked in another world.

There is only one fur ball in her world.

Scary focused eyes.

In fact, even Jue didn't want to, but... Fuqiu is so fucking fun! ! !

As long as this thing is a cat, there is no resistance at all!
It has the same nature as the cat teaser.

Shen Wu's eyes suddenly narrowed dangerously.

Lian Jue: "..."

The obsessed expression was frozen, Lian Jue pretended not to see it, twisted his body, and the hairball was pushed behind him.

"Meow." She raised her eyes again to look at that cool and handsome face, and called out obediently.

"Oh," a sneer sounded, "I haven't seen you for a few days, and you don't see your father anymore."

Lian Jue: "..."

Shen Wu didn't say anything and put her down.

Father Shen just came back from the barracks at noon, so the family had lunch at Shen's old house.

From the beginning of the meal to the end of the meal, Shen Wu never paid attention to her, even if she rubbed his leg under the dining table to show her kindness.

The cat food was also prepared by Shen's mother.

And he only glanced at her occasionally.

Actually put on a face again.

The kitten hugged the ball of wool and clicked its tongue.

It's really naive to think this cheap daddy.

Lian Jue felt that with Shen Wu's character, he still expected to fall in love, hehe, if his girlfriend is also a temper, it's good enough not to spit on his face.

Possessiveness scares me to death, and I turn into the Antarctic Ice King at every turn.

Which normal woman can bear such a man.

The lukewarm attitude was maintained until after the meal, Shen Wu planned to leave.

Shen's mother helped him put cat food and cat toys into the bag, and asked the driver to stay.

There was only one bag when I came, but there were four bags when I went back.

(End of this chapter)

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