Chapter 1195 The Idol's Cat 47
Lian Jue was still a little bit reluctant.

The tail curls up and down.His eyes fell on Shen's mother, and she meowed softly several times.

After getting along for a month, Shen's mother also has feelings, and her eyes are also full of reluctance.

Father Shen sent the person to the door, and when he got into the car, he frowned, as if hesitating whether to say something or not.

In the end, he paused, his tone carrying the majesty that the superiors were accustomed to.

"It's time for you to talk to a girlfriend."

Shen Wu paused.

The cat in the car poked its head out with a face full of melons.

Jun Yan's expression was light, "I have no such plan for now. I don't want to deceive fans."

Father Shen was a little angry, "You..."

He originally wanted to say don't make excuses, but when he thought about his seems to be true.

The car drove away.

In the car, the cat stared at the handsome face, and clicked several times.

There's no need for him to lie in front of his father, since he said that, it means that he really has no plans to have a girlfriend.


So what I said before that I want to find a girlfriend is not true.

Shen Wu was thoughtful, turned his gaze around, and met the cat.

He raised his eyebrows, "What are you looking at, haven't you seen a handsome guy?"

Lian Jue: "..."


If fans saw Shen Wu's true face, they would probably vomit blood on the spot.

The persona of the polite gentleman who has been going all along has been broken to nothing. In reality, not only is he not bad-tempered at all, but he is also an egomaniac and narcissist.

It's a pity that they were all blinded by their looks!

These days, alas...

The cat shook its head regretfully.

When I got home, there were a few scattered express boxes at the door.

In normal life, Shen Wu is not a person with a strong desire to shop, and his basic needs are also met by assistants, so more than a month has passed, and only three or four couriers have arrived at his door.

Shen Wu at the top picked it up and took a look.

Catnip lollipops.

His gaze paused slightly.

I remembered the order he placed in a certain treasure a month ago.

The cat meowed and poked its head out from behind him, as if full of curiosity about what he bought.

Shen Wu calmly put the box in his hand at the bottom, and opened the door.

Lian Jue glanced at it, only to find that it was men's underwear.

Immediately retracted his head silently.

Today's merchants sell underwear without specifying a size.

There is also Shen Wu's screen name, which is actually a famous male star in the imperial capital.

Her expression was very speechless.

"Here, lollipop." A slender arm handed over a green stick.

In the living room, the little cat was yawning sleepily when it suddenly smelled a vaguely familiar smell.

She opened her dazed eyes involuntarily.


The little cat twisted its body, slowly crawled over, searched for the taste and stopped in front of the lollipop, stuck out its tongue and couldn't help but rolled it.

Shen Wu stared at the kitten quietly.

The kitten hugged his hand, licked it, and then licked it again.


With soft voices one after another, Shen Wu's eyes darkened.

He lowered his head and fiddled for a while, paused, and finally took out his phone.

Shen Wu felt that he was a villain.

In order to take a photo, he actually drugged his daughter.


The little kitten stood with half its body up, tugging at his sleeves to act coquettishly, and whining.

"Momo, good boy." He said in a low voice.


When Lian Jue returned to his cage consciously, he realized, huh?Why ran to Shen Wu's bed again.

She rubbed her tired eyes, and some scattered pictures floated in her mind...

(End of this chapter)

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