Chapter 1207 The Idol's Cat 59
"Tsk." The girl's face was indifferent, and she exerted force with her hands, "Did I ever tell you not to provoke him? You alone can't do me right now."

"Cough, cough, cough..." Miasma was suffocated, but he showed a strange smile, "It's useless hahaha, if you kill me, there will be countless me, I'm not human, you can't do it once drop mine."

Lian Jue: "..."

Damn, what a pervert.

She twitched uncontrollably between her brows, doubtful.

"Then how can I get rid of you?"

"Of course they found me..." Evil Miasma suddenly stopped the car, "Bah!"

His face was flushed, "You actually set me up, you human being who doesn't speak martial arts!"

Lian Jue: "..."

Good guy, he said everything.

Cooperating with him is innocent.

Lian Jue was upset, so he beat up Mima severely.

Miasma, who already had half of his body, was beaten up until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, screaming in pain, "When I snatch Shen Wu's body, you will be mine too!!!"

The girl finally couldn't take it anymore, "Why do you think it's so beautiful!"

Crackling, Miasma was beaten so badly that she cried and called her mother.


The sun is shallow, invading the warm earth, silently.

Shen Wu turned over, opened his eyes slightly, looked at the ceiling, and it took a while before his eyes regained clarity.

He moved his body, only to realize that he slept heavily and deeply last night, and he had no dreams all night.


Since returning home, I don't know how much my sleep quality has improved.

Maybe it's why she's around.

Shen Wu turned his head and looked to the side.

After all, I must have forgotten to draw the curtains when I threw that disgusting guy out of the window last night.

Lian Jue rubbed his eyes habitually, and then opened them with some discomfort.

As soon as he opened it, he met a pair of quiet phoenix eyes.

The girl stretched and sat up, "Good morning~"

The girl's two beautiful and slender collarbones clearly lay across her neck, and her skin was moist.

The sun was shining brightly above his head, Shen Wu only felt that the delicate skin was dazzlingly white.

He stretched out his arms to cover his eyes, and his Adam's apple rolled up and down involuntarily.

Cover your eyes with one hand, "I can already see your intentions, you'd better wear some clothes."


Lian Jue suddenly felt a chill all over his body, so he looked down at himself.

What the fuck? !
Fuck? ? ? ! ! !
Where are her clothes? ! !
Lian Jue quickly pulled out the quilt to wrap himself up tightly, "Damn the system, you are poisonous!"

"Obviously there were clothes last time, are you doing something!!!"

The system is really innocent: "Yesterday, you used up your spiritual power in a fight with the evil miasma. It is estimated that when you became a human again, your spiritual power was not enough to transform into clothes..."

On the bed, no one spoke first, the air was eerily quiet.

Capitalized embarrassment, embarrassment.

Lian Jue's ears exploded red.

Just now... Grass, all of them have been read!

The point is, he thought she did it on purpose!
The girl was very depressed and said: "First of all, I didn't expect it! If it wasn't because your spiritual power was exhausted, how could I be so... shameful."


Lian Jue glanced back, just in time to see that the other party was slowly wiping his nose with his head down, and for some reason, there was a glaring red on his fingers.

She was tongue-tied, "You..."

Shen Wu raised his head calmly, now she could see clearly, it was good to see blood below the bridge of her straight nose!

Shen Wu calmly wiped the protruding nosebleed, "I can't control the physiological reaction."


(End of this chapter)

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