Chapter 1208 The Idol's Cat 60
The girl turned her face away, her whole face turned red and white, angry and annoyed, "Stop talking."

Until breakfast, there was still a wordless embarrassment between the two of them.

The girl took the clean plate and glanced at Shen Wu.

Shen Wu filled a spoonful of rice and calmly divided it between two plates.

Neither of them said a word.

"I helped you again last night." The girl offered to speak.

"Evil miasma?"


Shen Wu's eyes were heavy, looking out of the window, his eyes flickered, "Just find a warlock to do it."

"No, no." The girl shook her finger, "This matter is not so easy to solve. If you can't catch the other party's lifeblood, you can't eradicate him."

The girl squeezed some ketchup and salad dressing into the plate with her slender fingers, "Have you offended anyone? I feel that this matter is not as simple as it seems on the surface. We still have to figure out the cause and effect."

When the vegetables were laid out, Shen Wu's voice was light, "I already have some preliminary guesses."

Lian Jue glanced at him and nodded thoughtfully.

It's good to have a direction.

Speaking of the evil miasma, Lian Jue thought of one thing, and complained to the system with some nausea in his consciousness: "I suspect that evil miasma wants to sleep with me."

The system plucked its nostrils: "There's no doubt about it, it's obvious that I've taken a fancy to you."

Lian Jue: "..."

Still want Shen Wu's body, want her? !dream!
Thinking about it makes me want to throw up.

Lian Jue looked at the handsome man in front of him, and couldn't help but said, "You have to take good care of your body."

She doesn't want to be entangled with a sticky, disgusting and disgusting thing.

Shen Wu didn't know that she was entangled by the evil miasma at night, so he glanced at the girl with a lot of meaning.

Lian Jue: "..."

She reflexively said: "What happened this morning was just an accident, you should forget it quickly."

Shen Wu lowered his eyes, sprinkled pepper on the steak, and said in a light voice, "On my bed, you took off all clean, you said you have no purpose, who would believe it?"

Sure enough, he had some unhealthy thoughts about him.

He glanced at her.

Lian Jue: "..."

"Dad!" Shi Potian roared in shock.

With a click, Shen Wu's steak knife became unsteady and made a harsh sound on the dinner plate.

The girl stood like an abandoned little animal, with a stubborn face, tears flashing in her eyes, "You...don't think of me like that."

He raised his head, his eyes were cold.

"The real father," the girl's tears stopped as soon as she said it, vividly showing what it means to be an acting like a movie queen, "You have to trust me, I have no incest intentions."

Her attention was drawn away by the food, and she swallowed half a plate of fruit salad in one gulp.

The veins at the temples were throbbing slightly, Shen Wu's lips were drawn into a line, "You scream again?"

Lian Jue swallowed the rice numbly, "Brother...good brother."

Shen Wu: "..."

He had never seen such a disrespectful person in his life.

What's even more exasperating is that because of someone's sudden "good brother", his lower abdomen tightened slightly.

Jun Yan's eyes darkened.

No incest in mind... The girl's crisp voice echoed in my ears.

Shen Wu narrowed his eyes, covering the gloom in them.

Almost finished eating.

"Do you have work today?" Lian Jue rubbed his stuffed stomach, and glanced at the parking space outside the window, "Why is there no car coming?"

Shen Wu put the dirty dishes into the sink, and said in a calm voice, "The announcement has been canceled temporarily."

"Aren't you going out today?"

(End of this chapter)

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