Chapter 1209 The Idol's Cat 61
"If you want to, don't go."

"Great, I want to stay at home." The girl stretched happily.

The young man also slightly hooked the corner of his lower lip.

He cooks the meals, he does the dishes, and she makes the choice whether to stay at home or go out...

"Father really loves his daughter," the girl slumped on the sofa, tilting her head with emotion, "this great fatherly love."


Shen Wu finally couldn't bear it anymore, "Throw you out of the window."

"Who will honor you after throwing me away." Lian Jue said stubbornly.

Shen Wu put down the bowl, walked over tall and tall, and dragged the girl on the sofa up.

In the living room, chickens flew into eggs for a moment.

There was a howl of ghosts and wolves.

"Brother, I was wrong, brother! I beg you..."

I don't want to laugh anymore.

The girl covered a few itchy points on her armpits and waist, laughing like a cock crowing.

Shen Wu who was pressing on her suddenly stopped.

Lian Jue found an interesting thing.

No matter what he said beforehand to irritate him, as long as she calls her brother, it will definitely work.

She looked straight into the other's phoenix eyes, hooked the corners of her lips, slightly raised her thin white neck, and blew gently in his ear.

Qian Qianqing is moving and moving, "Okay... brother... please..."

The tall body froze all over.

Those narrow and long phoenix eyes did not know when they became a little dangerous.

No, or rather, his eyes were so fierce that he wanted to swallow her up.

Oops, don't go too far.

Before being roasted alive by his gaze, the girl stood up suddenly, took the remote control and turned the channel nonchalantly, "There is a good military movie recently..."

Shen Wu slowly stood up from the sofa, his tall figure was slender and handsome.

After tidying up the messy cuffs, he glanced at her coldly, "You think you can act recklessly with the master's favor, but you don't know that there is a ledger that records your crimes."

"One sum at a time, you will have to repay it sooner or later." Shen Wu snorted, his eyes narrowed, which meant a bit dangerous.

Lian Jue: "??"

Where is the ledger?

She burned overnight, is it too late?

The latest military movie to air is on.

The two temporarily put aside their deep hatred, and focused their eyes on the TV at the same time.

Lian Jue is interested in this kind of subject matter, after all, she was the one who found the movie, and Shen Wu is similar, there are many things to study after entering the big screen, he will not miss this ready-made template.

So both of them looked very attentively.

Unexpectedly, this film is better than Lian Jue imagined. The plot is compact, the narrative is logical, the structure is very rich, and the quality and special effects are first-class.

Shen Wu stared at the several scenes in the screen, slowly pondering in his heart, he didn't know when he would turn his head and saw the girl's expression.

She was staring at the handsome male lead on TV without blinking her eyes.


Feeling a little displeased in his heart, Shen Wu suppressed this strange emotion.

He glanced at the girl, then at the people on TV, and said calmly, "You like soldiers?"

"Of course," the girl stared at the TV screen, "who doesn't like soldiers."

Shen Wu: "..."

He moved his gaze back to the screen.

The male protagonist in the movie is a second-generation official from a wealthy family who is talented and intelligent. He grew up in a military academy and has a promising future.

Very popular in the play.

The camera cuts, and the screen turns to the scene of their battalion drills.

Standing among a group of green military uniforms, the male protagonist is extraordinarily tall and tall, as tall and straight as a pine.

The girl sighed, "The soldier is really the most attractive man."


(End of this chapter)

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