Chapter 1210 The Idol's Cat 62
"Huh?" The girl gave him a strange look, "What are you humming?"

"I hum your nympho look."

Lian Jue: "..."

She shook her head, imitating him, and also snorted, looked at the movie and ignored him.

"Actually, I almost joined the army." After a while, Shen Wu suddenly said.

Jun Yan stared at the gunfire on the screen with a calm face.

The girl looked back at him.

When he mentioned this, even Jue was not surprised at all.

After all, it is the third generation of red, normal.

She followed his words and asked, very face-saving, "Then why not?"

Shen Wu's eyes drooped slightly, as if to hide some emotions in his heart, he said lightly: "My mother disagrees, I have only one son for three generations, and she only has this one son, so there can be no accidents."

So he finally chose the entertainment industry to do other things he likes.

The army was the place he was going to be, and it was also the place he had always longed for, but... the days when the blood was licking on the knife edge, there were already two men in the family.

If something happened to him, the first to be injured would be his parents.

The current job is not bad, after all, it's something he likes, he just settles for the next best thing.

It's just... slowly becoming an eternal regret.

"Is it the same for Qin Feng?" For some reason, Lian Jue felt a little sympathetic when he saw the shit-shoveling officer.

Even wanted to pat his head.

Unexpectedly, the other party suddenly raised his eyes, the original expression disappeared, and he stared at her with a strange expression, "You still remember him?"

Lian Jue: "..."

"What did you ask him for?" Jun Yan's face was full of displeasure, and he picked up the cup and took a sip of water.

What else could be the reason? She is smart enough to draw inferences from one instance!
Lian Jue blinked, feeling very innocent.

Last time at Qin Feng's house, she heard them chatting about some past events, and she could see that Qin Feng showed a sense of sympathy for her family's shit-shoveling officer, and she had a kind of temperament of a difficult brother.

Naturally, it was speculated that it was probably due to the influence of his family like him, so he failed to embark on the path of being a soldier.

He snorted again coldly, "I'm telling you this is not to remind you of some unimportant people."

Lian Jue: "..."

"Then why did you tell me this," she raised a finger, "to let me know you better?"

Shen Wu's face was slightly unnatural, but he didn't deny it, and hummed in a cool voice, "Who else do you want to know besides me."


Lian Jue was itchy in his heart, wanted to slap the other party's head but was afraid of being "accounted for" again, put a plate of fruit in front of him, and said sweetly, "Brother, eat this, bayberry, your favorite."

Shen Wu looked at her coolly, "I did it."

But in the end, she still lost to her sweet brother.

He drooped his eyes and paused for a while, and after a while, he pinched a cherry with a fickle expression, and his expression was as usual, "It sounds so pleasing to the ear, so I will call it this in the future, you better control your mouth, dad, I can't I don't have the time to play role-playing with you."

"Good brother." Lian Jue spread out the picked cherries in his palm, "Taste, I just tasted one, it's so sweet."

Shen Wu Qingjun frowned, looked at the white and slender legs exposed under the knees of the girl kneeling in front of him, suppressed his temper slightly, and his voice became cold, "Can you..."

The girl didn't take it to heart at all, she thought he was talking about the floor, "It's not because you are my brother that I kneel down for you, don't worry, the floor is so clean."

"And there is no other man in the family."

This is true.

However, his complexion was still uncertain for a while, "I will cut off your legs sooner or later."

(End of this chapter)

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