Chapter 1243 The Idol's Cat 95
Lian Jue scrolled down the comments, scrolled down, and saw another translator who claimed to be a senior intellectual.

The following was also swept by fans, Yi Shui'er's brother killed me.

? ?
Carrying a 50-meter big knife, I will kill you.

Lian Jue hesitated for a moment, took a deep breath, prepared himself, and clicked on the linked picture.

The next second—the girl's pupils dilated, "..."

I'm going, it's even more pornographic than the last one!
Baby you are so touching, baby you belong to me only, let me love you...

Lian Jue: "..."

Although there are some deviations in individual parts, the content is similar.

She saved the picture, found Shen Wu's WeChat and sent it to him, "Your new song?"

The other side quickly responded with a hmm.

Maybe it's not too busy.

Lian Jue struggled to type a line, "Aren't you afraid of spoiling the children?"

Tone of condemnation.

"Not afraid."

"What are you afraid of? The fans are all celebrating."

Lian Jue: "..."

Through the screen, she could imagine the other party's indifferent look.

Although it is true, can I trouble you not to be serious!

Are you so proud to write a little yellow song now?
As an envoy of justice, she typed and condemned his behavior with strong anger, "You have dirty thoughts, you teach bad children, you seduce fans..."

In the makeup and hair room, Shen Wu curled his lips, and slowly typed a line of words with his slender fingers.

"Seduce fans? Finally can't help but talk about what you care about?"

Lian Jue: "..."


She didn't.

she is not.

Don't talk nonsense.

Just as the girl was staring at the phone screen thinking hard about how to reply, a new message came.

It's a very meaningful sentence no matter how you look at it.

"Think about it, who am I seducing?"

Lian Jue: "..."

She fell into honeyed silence again.

He admitted that he was seducing people.

He also asked who she was seducing.

This perversion.

With a snort, the girl flipped the phone back.


It was not until evening that Shen Wu came back from the set.

In the recent period, there are many kinds of true and false news about him on the Internet, and there are different opinions. Shen Wu followed the crew directly, saving himself from being followed by some media every day.

Recently, I stayed in a hotel under the contract of the crew.

Even Jue was also packed by him - this time he will live until the finale, which will take two months.

As a leader, his hotel room is unsurprisingly the most spacious presidential suite, and Lian Jue is quite satisfied with the environment.

Ever since he joined the crew, Boss Shen has lived a beautiful life in a golden house.

Going out to film during the day and coming back at night, even the assistant Xiao Jing didn't know that there was a girl in his room.

Just be careful not to be spotted by the paparazzi.

When Shen Wu came back, his little Jiaojiao had already taken a shower, and was sitting on the window sill seriously watching his script, the curtains were drawn tightly.

Hearing the movement he made, he didn't look up.

Licking his upper teeth, Shen Wu said "Huh?", "Say hello to Lord Jin?"

The girl yawned, revealing her fair and slender legs because she was wearing pajama pants, "Hi, Dad, I'm home, good evening."

Very perfunctory and careless.

He stuttered.


The look in the past was a little speechless.

Junyan raised his eyebrows, and said lightly: "The old account is revealed, you don't want to sleep tonight?"

(End of this chapter)

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