Chapter 1244 The Idol's Cat 96
The tone is ordinary, but there is an unspeakable deep meaning.

Lian Jue, who is proficient in many skills of manual and leg movements, got up, not panicking at all, and even glanced at him provocatively, "So? You want to stay up late with me and put on a mask?"

Shen Wu laughed angrily, pulled him into his arms, and made a dull sound when his shoulders collided, "Why do you think I will let you go?"

Lian Jue held his wrist and blew into his ear.

The girl's voice was soft, "You still sang in the morning that you wanted to seduce me. What, you're going to force it now?"

Her voice is low, with a touch of lingering taste, and a bit of deliberate... seduction.

Shen Wu licked his lips, his eyes became darker and darker.

The girl continued to say in a low voice: "That song, shouldn't it be all the things you want to do to me?"

After a pause, Shen Wu looked down at his pants.


He raised his head, his face was calm, and his tone was calm, "Wait for me to take a shower."

"What are you doing in the shower?"

"Seduce you."

The girl casually pulled the corner of her lips, "Will you be hooked if you seduce me? Hmph, I'm not the kind of person who has no concentration."

Shen Wu was taking off his sweater, when he heard this, he turned his head and glanced at her: "You really can't take the bait?"

"You do a striptease."

The girl added: "Maybe there is some hope."

Shen Wu slowly lifted up the white t-shirt inside and took it off, shaking his head, with a serious tone, "The striptease is too loose, it's not a man's virtue."

Lian Jue: "..."

She blurted out, "You didn't see any masculine virtues when you wrote the song 'Kate'."

Shen Wu chuckled lightly, with a lazy expression on his handsome face, "Why, do you have such a big opinion on the song I wrote?"

The girl snorted, very disdainful.

"Little Yellow Song."

Shen Wu hooked the corners of his lips, took a step closer, rubbed the back of the girl's neck with his palm, and explained: "The translation problem, if there are serious translations, it's not that there are no translations, it's just that it's more popular on the Internet, and your boyfriend can't control it no."

There was a trace of bewilderment on the girl's face.

So it means... the meaning of the lyrics is actually a fucking pun? ? ?
Lian Jue was shocked by his talent.

"What's the proper translation?" she asked, taking his hand.

"It's the harmonious me, kissing the harmonious you, and holding your hand to build a harmonious homeland and be a happy successor to socialism."

Lian Jue: "..."


She took out her mobile phone and swiped Weibo, and a miraculous thing happened. All the links and pictures on Shen Wu's original blog about the translation of high-spirited elements disappeared, and all the remaining pictures were translated with the same content as Shen Wu said. , Everyone is responsible for building a harmonious society...

The previous overly intense speeches have all been deleted by the support club.

The fans who had just experienced a carnival disappeared now, as if they had really been killed by their brother, and all the fans who were there were busy forwarding, making data, and publicizing...

"Our brother has released a new song with the main theme! Come and watch the lyrics in various languages!"


Means really fast.

Relying on his height advantage, Shen Wu glanced down and nodded, expressing his satisfaction with his fans' actions, "Do you believe it?"

Lian Jue snorted and put the phone away, "That doesn't change the fact that you wrote a little yellow song."

Just scrubbed most of the eyes, but the fans still know it.

(End of this chapter)

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