Chapter 1245 The Idol's Cat 97
I don't know where the fans who finished the data are carnival.

Maybe it will lead to deeper discussions internally.

At that time, people will speculate that he is in love...

"What do you think, if you have the hobby of writing little yellow songs for your own entertainment, you can write as many songs as you want in private, why do you have to tell the world."

She couldn't understand his mind.

Before Shen Wu closed the door, he said lightly, "Warm up."

Lian Jue: "?"

After a while, there was a continuous sound of water in the bathroom.

Lian Jue finally came to his senses.

Announcing the preheating of the relationship?

She sighed.

Shen Wu is really a person who doesn't want to deceive fans, not at all, if there is a list of true fans, this guy's name will definitely be at the top of the list.


Xiaojing's younger brother, who was in college in the imperial capital, had to undergo surgery for acute appendicitis, so he took two days off.

Then there were no other assistants around Shen Wu.

He was too lazy to call an assistant from the company, so he thought of a very shameless trick.

——Lian Jue was dragged to the set by him.

To be honest, she is not happy. It is not too wonderful to stay in the hotel these days and eat, drink and grow meat every day.

She is not a person who loves to socialize and make friends. It is quite cool to be lazy occasionally, of course not including the situation where the birds come out.

When she heard that she was going to work as a coolie for Shen Wu, she was not happy on the spot.

But who is Shen Wu, a top student with full marks in psychology and tactics in the Military Art, he lures with nice words.


"You don't have to do anything. There are so many crew members on the scene, and the dirty work will get you a girl?"

"Just get me some water."

"I'll fan the wind for you, I'll hold the umbrella for you, I'll hold the script, you just have to stand up and put on a show." Junyan whispered, very tempting.

Lian Jue was skeptical when he heard what he said, but couldn't hold back the sincere look in his eyes.

Shen Wu's appearance is already deceptive, especially now that he has worked hard to seduce her, he looks like a MLM liar.

Well, it's just doing odd jobs anyway.

You can also see the shooting scene.

Lian Jue agreed.

Anyway, the assistant also wears a mask at the scene.

Sure enough, no one found out about Shen Wu's change of assistant, except some staff members who were closely connected with Shen Wu gave her a strange look.

But changing assistants is too common in the entertainment industry, and there is nothing to think about. At most, some people think that Shen Wu's new assistant is a bit good-looking.

Shen Wu did what he said, he really didn't ask her to do some assistant work, sometimes he was like her assistant instead.

In the end, Lian Jue repeatedly reminded him to pay attention to his image in the crew and keep a low profile.

Everything about the crew is fresh.

Especially after getting acquainted with some staff members and listening to a lot of gossip.

A certain famous movie queen slept with a fat and oily triad boss, a certain girl group and a certain boy group got together, and a certain male star was broken up not long ago...

So cool!

If it wasn't for Shen Wu's permission, even Jue would be full of enthusiasm for knowledge after chatting for three days and three nights.

Lian Jue is still a little sad when he thinks that he just took up the post during the two days when Xiao Jing asked for leave, and that he won't be able to listen to these amazing gossips every day when she comes back.

Two days later, Xiao Jing, who was far away in the imperial capital, received a call.

On the other side was the boss's gentle and polite tone, and he first extended his cordial greetings, "How is your brother's condition?"

(End of this chapter)

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