Chapter 1247 The Idol's Cat 99
This hostility is not groundless.

After things like ice cream happened a few times, Lian Jue felt that he might really be targeted.

It's okay to be ignored once, but if you ignore more times, it's a bit deliberate.

And the other party is very smart, for example, when sharing coffee, they will share it while Shen Wu is filming.

Shen Wu couldn't even find out.

Then the heroine walked up to Lian Jue with a smile and handed him the coffee, "This is for Mr. Shen, please help me take it, thank you."

Lian Jue looked around again—other staff members were drinking coffee, but she couldn't move while holding a cup of coffee.


When Shen Wu came back, Lian Jue passed the coffee over, telling the truth that he was an honest and good boy, "Miss Zou gave it."

Zou Yiyi is indeed warm and hospitable in the crew, and will give some small favors to the crew every two or three days.

But sending it is one thing, receiving it is another.

Shen Wu has always had a strong desire to survive.

He glanced at it casually, "It's cold, I don't like cold drinks, throw it away."

Lian Jue: "..."

She looked at him without words, that look - are you serious?
Shen Wu laughed softly, scratched the girl's nose through the mask, and sighed, "Is it stupid, holding it for so long."

He lowered his voice and said softly: "Next time this kind of thing happens, you can eat what you want, and find a place where no one is around to throw away what you don't want."

"Don't wait for me. The food given by other women is still in front of you. Do you think I can eat it?" He raised his eyebrows.

Lian Jue: "..."

Thinking about the snacks that Zou Yiyi gave a few days ago, he really didn't seem to have touched them.

"Then when I wasn't around before, it seems that you didn't enjoy a lot." She rolled her eyes.

"Hey, are you jealous?"

Lian Jue gestured to lift the lid of the cup of Starbucks and splash it on his face, "I'm very generous."

Junyan's expression was serious, "You are generous, I don't allow others to defile me, not even spiritual defilement."

"..." Lian Jue's eyes were a little depressed, she didn't know whether to say it, she hesitated, "Do you also think the heroine is interesting to you?"

Shen Wu paused.

Looking up again, those phoenix eyes became a little sharp.

"What did she do to you?"

Lian Jue didn't know how to describe it, "She didn't do anything, just..."

Lian Jue described the general situation.

Shen Wu's eyes flickered, and he didn't speak for a while, not knowing what he was thinking.

After a while, he pulled the corner of his lips, "I've changed my mind."

"Next time she comes to give these things away, just say that I'm not interested and let her feed them to the dogs."

It seemed that there was a private show of favor, but he didn't take it to heart at first.

Lian Jue felt tired.

She was just a little assistant, and she actually had to deal with her boyfriend's rotten love affairs.

Lian Jue was worried, "Why don't you tell her clearly that you have a girlfriend?"

Shen Wu said lightly: "I have already revealed it in front of her."

Obviously, no use.

Lian Jue was puzzled, "How big is her brain? Can she guess that one of my little assistants is your girlfriend?"

"I can't tell." Shen Wu mumbled, "Maybe she has a habit of stalking others, and followed us to the hotel or something."

Lian Jue: "..."

That's really free enough.

But in fact, Shen Wu really guessed it.

Just not a stalking fetish.

It just so happened that Zou Yiyi once saw Shen Wu near the hotel, and originally planned to go up to say hello to get a good impression, but when he saw Shen Wu holding the assistant's hand with his own eyes, he realized something was wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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