Chapter 1248 The Idol's Cat 100
That gesture was so intimate.

Whose boss leads the employees to and from get off work?
She subconsciously followed into the hotel.

Then I found that in the passage of the corridor, I saw a young man kissing a girl.

As if he couldn't wait any longer, he directly pushed the person against the wall.

He was so focused that he didn't even notice her as an intruder.

Just can't wait?Don't even have time to enter a room?

Zou Yiyi found it unbelievable and incredible.

But after a while, she calmed down.

To be honest, the entertainment industry is really messy.

More extreme things than personal assistants are common.

It's not that a good-looking assistant or something has never been slept by a lonely master.

The reason why she was surprised was because the other party was Shen Wu.

Yes, it happened to Shen Wu, but it was a little unimaginable.

It looks like the assistant put the assistant to sleep or something.

Seeing two people walk into the room that day, Zou Yiyi stood there for a while and then left.

Not only did she not feel sad, but she saw another kind of hope.

She admits that she does like Shen Wu a little bit, but she also knows that she is not worthy.

But now that he can even fall in love with an assistant, why is there any reason not to fall in love with her?

Zou Yiyi seemed to have found some kind of confidence.

She felt she could try harder.

No hurry, take your time.

Although Shen Wu's image in her heart is not so glorious and lofty, it is also because of this that she has a chance.

While losing a perfect idol, Zou Yiyi felt that the distance between him and him was shortened.

After all, he was just a man.

...It's easy to handle if you're a man.

Shen Wu, who is a man, is currently sitting on a comfortable recliner and flirting lazily with his standing girlfriend.

Looking from a distance, I don't know what the girl bowed her head to say, Shen Wu's brows and eyes were full of brilliance, and his shoulders shook with laughter.

He grabbed the girl's hand with his backhand, and his fingers seemed to be grinding on the back of the other's hand consciously.

"The relationship between this new assistant and Shen Wu does seem a bit unusual." The makeup artist glanced at it several times and said softly.

"It's probably just friends who are having a good time." Zou Yiyi also took a look, then looked down at the script again.

Looking pale.

"Teacher Yiyi, your hair is really good, the quality of your hair is too good, and it has a lot of volume, so you probably don't need a hair extension."

The girl smiled, becoming more innocent, "I often eat black sesame, my mother's loving formula, if you are interested, I can send it to you."

The makeup artist was flattered, "Okay, okay."

Originally, it was just to say a few casual words to please. After all, the actress who was acting with Shen Wu was looking at the actress who was about to explode. He didn't expect much at first, but he didn't expect that the other party really took it to heart.

Sure enough, he did not please the wrong person.

The makeup artist couldn't help but praise a few more words, from head to toe, all the words he could think of came to his lips.

The sun was scorching hot, and Lian Jue casually complained: "Brother Xiaojing is okay, right? Xiaojing is too fat if he hasn't come back for so long."

Shen Wu's complexion remained unchanged, he pinched the opponent's fingertips at an angle where no one was around, and whispered seductively, "Isn't this bad? I don't know how much time we spend together with me every day."

He is still thinking about doing the same in filming in the future.

Today I am still thinking about finding a reason to make Xiao Jing stop showing up in the future.

For example, the headquarters is short of people to go back or something.

I just don't know if she believes it or not.

The girl cut out, "Every day I watch you play with actresses on the same stage, watching with affection... Am I a masochist?"

(End of this chapter)

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