Chapter 1255 The Idol's Cat 107
Shen Wu glanced at the surrounding environment, it was indeed a bit dry, but not to the point of going indoors, "I will have a scene later."

He said politely, "It did get a bit sunburnt. If Ms. Zou doesn't mind, we can go indoors to talk later."

There will be more actors after waiting.

Not worth the candle.

Zou Yiyi thought for a while, it might as well be outside.

I don't know when the other side's assistant will come back.

The girl looked gentle and gentle, "Mr. Shen, it's nothing. I just want to ask Mr. Shen what he thinks of my performance. Do you have any comments on my recent performance? Or what needs to be improved..."

"Hmm..." Shen Wu flipped through the script, "You don't have many scenes in total."

Zou Yiyi: "..."

Shen Wu continued to speak calmly: "We don't have many scenes with each other, you can ask the actor who plays your brother in the script, and communicate with him."

"With me, it's probably useless."

He put down the script and took a sip of tea.

Zou Yiyi has a personality that becomes more and more courageous when frustrated. She suppresses the turbidity in her heart and tries her best to keep her eyes bright. I'm leaving you, I'm really sorry, in fact, I feel that my emotional drama is a little flawed..."

This is actually quite skillful.

Accept the above and open the following.

He answered his question clearly, and also excused himself well, finding a fairly perfect reason.

Turned the situation around.

For this kind of person who is high-spirited and bright, but only has some flaws in the relationship between men and women, Zou Yiyi thinks that ordinary methods cannot be used.

be patient.

Extraordinary patience.

Now that she has already lost to that little assistant in terms of appearance, Zou Yiyi feels that everyone can't lose in the temperament of a lady.

Shen Wu looked up at her.

He has been filming scenes in the operating room today, and he is still wearing a white coat, with the actor's signature glasses with transparent frames on the bridge of his nose.

Abstinence is cool.

Just a slight look up is enough to make thousands of girls cry Feizi.

Zou Yiyi was also shot without exception.

She swallowed reluctantly and looked away.

No, reason.

Shen Wu stared at her, and raised the corners of his lips slightly, "Miss Zou, why do you think that I, a newcomer in the industry, can guide you as an experienced actor?"

Zou Yiyi was stunned.

These words were so sudden that her face became hot.

The overtones are like—you think I can't see what you're up to?
Just look and see, anyway, sooner or later.

She was quite calm, "It's not a guide, I just want to ask if there is any suggestion."

"I'm afraid my girlfriend doesn't like me giving acting lessons to the actresses in the same group."

Zou Yiyi couldn't pretend anymore, "I think the normal communication between the actors in the same group is fine, right?"

"Normal people are fine." Shen Wu nodded.

Zou Yiyi was about to breathe a sigh of relief.

"But my family is very strict."

Zou Yiyi: "..."

Shen Wu sighed, turned the mineral water in his hand around, and finally landed steadily, "Girl, you should understand, my girlfriend is not very good-tempered, she can't tolerate sand in her eyes, and she tends to think too much."

"Yesterday I lost my temper a little bit. I sent a message to her this morning and haven't replied to me until now. Alas..."

Zou Yiyi: "..."

She forced a smile, "Mr. Shen and his girlfriend have a really good relationship, so...won't you worry about being discovered by fans?"

(End of this chapter)

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