Chapter 1256 The Idol's Cat 108
"What does this have to do with you?"

Shen Wu's energy was finally exhausted, he stared at the script and said casually.

Before Zou Yiyi could speak, Brother Li, who had finished chatting with the producer not far away, came over.

He saw a man and a woman standing and chatting at a glance.

The girl even raised her toes slightly.

Regarding love, especially the love of the crew, Li Ge has always been on guard. He recognized that the person was an actress from the crew, and glanced up and down vigilantly at the other party, "Do you have anything to do? Questions about Shen Wu can Talk to me."

Shen Wu lazily opened his lips and made a mouth shape.

rely on you.

save me.

Brother Li: "..."

He grabbed his hair a little bald, thinking about how many affairs Shen Wu would get into after officially entering the film and television industry, his mentality almost collapsed.

Thinking back to when he was in the boy group, although there were some actresses who showed their affection openly and secretly, but at that time most of the time he was surrounded by the same sex, and a few wolf cubs even went to the bathroom together, so he felt relieved.

It's different now.

In the future, there will only be more and more crazy bees and butterflies around.

But it's convenient for those actresses.

There are always female celebrities who want to touch my wolf cubs!
My wolf cubs are so pure, they must not be touched by others!

Brother Li became a bit more imposing for no reason, "Miss Zou, my artist still needs to read the script, if you have anything to talk to me, just talk to me."

Zou Yiyi bit her lower lip, and looked at Shen Wu as if asking for help.

However, Shen Wu had already looked away, turned the page of the script, his eyes were focused.

The girl's face is hot.

It's a lie to say that I haven't noticed the disgust and humiliation inside and outside the words, especially when the other two are so straightforward, like she is some cheap woman who doesn't want money or even sends it upside down...

Zou Yiyi's mentality completely collapsed, she turned her head and left Shen Wu's rest area quickly.

She couldn't figure it out, Shen Wu was so difficult to deal with, why did that little assistant have this ability?

She can't.

Brother Li pressed his forehead, calmed down his uncomfortable emotions, looked at Shen Wu, and frowned: "What did she tell you!"

Shen Wu put down the script, put his hands behind his head, and looked up at the sky, only leaving him with a superior jaw line, "Say no, but hint a lot."

Brother Li's eyes were complicated, "Nowadays, if you can't pursue actresses well, how can one or two be stronger..."

He muttered: "I don't talk about Wude at all."

"Like a fly, the buzzing is annoying."

Ever since Shen Wu entered the actor circle, it feels like he has entered some kind of wolf's den.

The recent door-to-door contact with Ming said that the hint is simply leaps and bounds, which is three times more than before.

It's like a piece of unpolluted, clean, fresh pork knuckle, all staring at this piece of fat.

Everyone wants to share a piece of the pie.

Many of these investors are even men.

Brother Li was overwhelmed.

A normal producer and investor would not think of coming to Shen Wu to take advantage of it. His identity is there, and the meat smells delicious, but not everyone dares to move.

But if you can't stand it, you are not afraid of death.


Or they don't know anything about Shen Wu's family background.

And feel good about yourself.

Sometimes Brother Li really wants to yell at you without looking at whether the young master lacks your resources!
He had enough headaches dealing with these things, but now he came to the crew and found that the situation was worse than he thought.

Actresses are cheaper than investors and are closer to the water.

"Wu, you must be firm in yourself, you are still young, don't be seduced by these wild bees and butterflies, they are just greedy for your young body and handsome face..."

(End of this chapter)

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