Chapter 1257 The Idol's Cat 109
Shen Wu lazily pulled down the script covering his face, "If I were a vagabond, there would be countless asses waiting in front of you to wipe."

"That's it." Brother Li calmed down a bit, he felt that Shen Wu was a reassuring, trustworthy good boy.

"What about the vagabond, just think about it, we still have fans."

Shen Wu smiled lightly and shook his head, "No way, my goal is to become an unparalleled good man at home."

Brother Li was completely relieved.

Looking at each other with deep love, "Zhao Kai and the others wanted to visit the class today, but I didn't let them. They still have a recording job. Let me ask if you are free recently?"

"Have a dinner or something."

Shen Wu thought for a while, "Zhao Kai? Who is Zhao Kai?"

Brother Li: "..."

His face turned purple, "You don't know your teammates anymore? Don't tell me that you have forgotten all the FW members in just a few days..."

Shen Wu slightly hooked his lips, "Anything is fine, they come whenever they like, they can visit the class as they like, and dinner parties are not allowed."

"Why can't we have a dinner party?"

"Dinners consume manpower, material and financial resources, and I have no money or time."

Brother Li: "..."

To show off his girlfriend's sequelae in front of Zou Yiyi, Shen Wu just wanted to show off his affection casually, and talk about how he didn't have time, but soon realized that this was not a good candidate, and sighed regretfully.

Brother Li was still beating his chest and stamping his feet, "I told you not to take this shitty show that you couldn't even afford 100 million, and just take it hard. Now it's all right, you can't even afford a meal."

——In the past, when FW groups went out for dinner, most of them were paid by Shen Wu, and basically no one else went out.

Because he earns the most.

And the share of the contract with the company is also different.

Others are five-five, he is four-six.

Killing the boss is justified, so the team members are also at ease.

But in the future... I really don't know.

Brother Li thought of a question, frowned a little bit, and curled up his fingers nervously, "You won't just take on this kind of scenes that don't get much money in the future, will you?"

"No, no, I must be thinking too much..."

"Well, how did you know?" Shen Wu said lightly.

"Fuck!" Li Ronghua's mentality collapsed.

This was the first time he swears in front of an artist.

After scolding, his eyes were dull and he fell into a state of powerlessness.


He knew that Shen Wu said what he said, since he dared to answer this sentence, it showed that he had made up his mind without a doubt.

Artists with too many ideas are really hard to bring...

It's always like this, making up your own mind without consulting an agent... always!
Brother Li wept through the vicissitudes of life.

His cash cow, gone.

Originally, I thought that I would lean on a thick tree for the rest of my life!
Unexpectedly, the big tree will not grow well, and the young saplings must take root...

Brother Li finally confirmed, "You promised that you would not fall in love, right?"

He was stubborn to confirm this.

And that's all that's left.

Shen Wu sighed, "I don't guarantee..."


Mentally exploded,
Brother Li staggered away.

Not far away, at the same time, the girl came back bouncing up and down arm in arm with the man, her cheerful voice could be heard across the human wall.

Shen Wu, who has amazing hearing, naturally raised his eyes and looked over.

"Boss, I'm back boss."

Carrying the big and small bags, Lian Jue put them on the ground, waved to Xiao Feng, and she also went to find her artist.

(End of this chapter)

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