Chapter 1278 The Idol's Cat 130
She also put down her cell phone and planned to turn off the lights and go to sleep.

Really, kids nowadays gossip one by one.

"Shen Mo."

"What?" The girl put on the blindfold and answered blankly.


Her lips were bitten hard, and the other party mercilessly leaned in, kissing her until she was out of breath.

Someone's voice was a little low, "If you didn't have a job tomorrow, you would be dead tonight..."


Since there was no trouble the night before, both of them had a good rest.

No sleep for one night.

When he got up again, he was dragged by Shen Wu to record the program.

Even Jue didn't know why he was so obsessed with keeping her under his nose today.

Just like she would make trouble and revolt at any time.

The program is a sports competition that is very popular recently. Shen Wu is the special guest this time, and has already run two sessions.

The recording process was very long, and the sun was also very bright. Lian Jue and Xiao Jing were dressed as Arabs and surrounded tightly.

Lian Jue looked at it for a while, opened Weibo, and continued to record the daily life of the journal.

[I came to the recording site today, my boyfriend is working hard, and the fans are working too hard, several fans holding banners have suffered from heatstroke... Shen Wu is very worried]

She is also a well-known blogger with 50 fans now, and the comments on this Weibo are over a few hundred in a short while.

【I go!Shen Wu really has two recordings today, I am a volunteer and I am on the scene!Really fainted two of Shen Wu's fans... I'm terrified after thinking about it carefully]

[I was stunned, this delusional sister could really be... Could it be that we...Impossible...I don't believe Shen Wu...]

[As long as someone who is interested finds the itinerary record, what is the reference value of this public itinerary? 】

[I have an ominous premonition, and this premonition is getting stronger and stronger]

[Sisters, what's wrong with you?Do you really believe that Shen Wu will fall in love during the rising period? !He won't be so irresponsible to his fans! 】

[The kidnapping of morals is a bit overdone, they have already left the group, the rules of the king of heaven?Actors can't even talk about love? 】

[Rational guess——The delusional sisters are the staff on the scene, or even the screenwriter and director, so they understand the situation around Shen Wu so well. 】

[Shen Wu run!Mom orders you to stay away from perverts! ! ! 】

Good guy, some people have already started to believe it...

Even Jue himself felt incredible.

Generally speaking, it's up to you. Although Shen Wu's fans are fanatical, most of them have a warm and rational personality with him in their bones.

Since he left the group, Sister Wutong's psychological endurance seems to be getting stronger and stronger.

Concentrate on being an actor?OK.

In love?No way, then accept it.

Girlfriend shows affection on Weibo every day?


Sister Wutong probably will be tempered sooner or later.

If Shen Wu really made public @她这个小号Official Announcement, Sister Wutong would go berserk, but the ending of her runaway is probably acceptable.

Lian Jue was bored and posted another Weibo.

[Probably the dull period has come, I don’t know why recently, the desire to beat him has become stronger and stronger...]

This time she didn't read the comments, before Shen Wu's idiotic fans recovered, Lian Jue turned off her phone and concentrated on watching someone in the boxing ring.

We have now reached the third stage of the game.

It is also the most crucial link.

Each team sends one person, and the boxing winner who wins two out of three rounds gets one point.

It was as if the program group was doing something on purpose. When it was Shen Wu's turn, his opponent was a girl.

(End of this chapter)

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