Chapter 1279 The Idol's Cat 131
Still a cute girl with big breasts and thin waist.

A singer who has become very popular recently is He Hui.

She sang the theme songs of several youth school dramas and is somewhat famous.

Originally, according to the rules, it should be boys against boys and girls against girls, but when it was Shen Wu's turn, he was placed alone, and there was only one girl left in the opposite group.

I don't know whether the program group did it on purpose or not, but Shen Wu happened to be the last one here.

It stands to reason that under normal circumstances, the program team would consider the mood of the fans, especially a star like Shen Wu who has so many fans that he can give the program team their turn.

The program team didn't know what was wrong this time, it seemed to be doing something secretly.

Xiao Jing also noticed something was wrong, and carefully looked at the face of the proprietress beside her.

Everyone thought they were staff members, but only Xiao Jing knew that the person next to her was actually her boss...

What if the proprietress runs away on the spot?
Waiting online, very anxious!

However, the other party did not run away as she thought, but looked around, "Xiao Jing, do you feel... the sky around you is dark..."

Xiao Jing stared at her blankly: "..."

In the arena, the fans around seemed to have been pressed the pause button, staring quietly at the boxing ring one by one, even waving the support banners and light sticks in their hands.

Low air pressure pervades the entire arena.

On the boxing ring, a man and a woman stood, attracting everyone's attention.

Under the command of the director, the photographer turned the camera to focus on the faces of the two.

The girl sighed, "This is clearly doing something."

Xiao Jing hesitated and said: "If something really happens, the boss's fans can blow up the venue."

"Don't worry, Shen Wu won't bring the situation to that point."

On the boxing ring, two people stood facing each other.

He Hui put on a good pose, a little embarrassed, "Go, let's start?"

The person in front of him is a well-known and popular niche, so handsome, even if He Hui is not a fan, it is a bit hard to resist the aura of the other party.

As for the competition, even though he knew he would lose, he still had to struggle.

Just like the embarrassing situation that no one could have expected - she, a starlet, will definitely be scolded by top fans today.

Shen Wu is very gentleman, "You go first."

He Hui used the newly learned tricks. Although she was not very proficient, she still looked good because of her flexible body.

" about...shall I surrender directly?"

From the beginning to the end, the young man was a gentleman. Even if there was physical contact, he would fight back with fists, without going overboard.

Because of this, it was inevitable that he did not use his full strength, not even four or five points.

He Hui seized several opportunities, and this game was actually worth watching.

Just playing a little more, He Hui's shortcomings were clearly exposed.

There is a disparity in strength between men and women.

He Hui turned to look at the referee, smiled helplessly and asked again, "Can I just surrender?"

The opponent didn't beat her to the ground to end the match, but was waiting for her to speak up, and even cooperated with her for a while, so that she wouldn't lose too badly.

He Hui took this favor.

Harm... As expected of a national idol with such a good reputation.

The referee announced the result.

In the seats of the arena, fans whispered, their idol won, but there was no joy on their faces.

Xiao Jing murmured, "Boss is such a gentleman, I thought I would defeat the enemy with one move."

"It's a girl on the other side, face still has to be given."

(End of this chapter)

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