Chapter 1280 The Idol's Cat 132
Xiaojing boldly asked a question, "Miss Boss, are you jealous?"

If you speak so calmly, you probably don't mind, the proprietress is really an open-minded girl!It's so great, no wonder it can subdue such a tough boss!

The girl smiled lightly, "Eat, guess I'll let him sleep in the toilet or on the balcony when I get home today?"

Xiaojing: "..."

It just so happened that the person who received the trophy from the referee also turned around and looked this way.

Xiaojing inexplicably felt that she was a little redundant.

She took a step back quietly.

There was a trace of sympathy in the eyes secretly looking at his boss-look, the boss still doesn't know what bad luck is about to happen tonight.

Shen Wuyang smiled, and raised the trophy in his hand towards his girl.

Lian Jue clasped his hands, smiling but not smiling.

Being far away, Shen Wu didn't see the expression on her face clearly.

The referee quickly announced the next round, and all the artists focused their attention on it.

Lian Jue took a deep breath, lowered his eyes and said seriously: "There was no excessive physical contact, nor did he give up the champion...Xiao Jing, quickly find me a reason to make him kneel on the washboard."

Xiaojing: "..."


After a pause, Xiao Jing asked cautiously: "Sister, did you just arrive at the boss meeting to do this?"

Lian Jue chewed the gum and blew out a big bubble, "Well, this the telepathy between lovers."

Xiaojing: "..."

Lian Jue chuckled and looked at the huge Wutong sister group in the stadium.

Shen Wu handled it really well, without leaving any excuses, and the fanatic fans were helpless, and couldn't find a reason to explode the other female artist on the Internet.

At most, it's just a few words of yin and yang on the Internet.

If there are no accidents, this matter can be calmed down peacefully, it depends on whether the program group will make troubles in the future...

Facts have proved that it really overestimated the character of the program group.

If the program group can come up with such an operation as a man and a woman boxing match, they dare to be shameless.

Before the recording was over, a trending search hit Hot One with lightning speed.

#This play makes me burn! #
Xiao Jing was originally in contact with the crew who was going to audition tomorrow, and her hands trembled when she saw the trending search.

Three minutes later, the little girl cried and said, "Sister, it's over..."

It's really over, the Weibo account of X Satellite TV has been completely messed up, and my mother can't even recognize it when she logs on.

Lian Jue hastily clicked on the hot search item.

It's normal just to look at the title, click on it and it's a video, and I don't know why the program group moves so fast, and a 1-minute shot of what was just recorded was cut out in a blink of an eye.

It was the fight scene between Shen Wu and He Hui on the boxing ring. After deliberate editing, it seemed that the two sides were very evenly matched...not only evenly matched, but also depicted with specially enlarged eyes, interspersed with several other clips. The tacit understanding of the two people's cutting is full of cp feeling.

The barrage is full of comments from fans, but whose "fans" are open to debate...

"Let's shoot a TV series together! Shen Wu's ancient costume is super handsome! He Hui's ancient costume is also very good!"

"Shen Wu's fighting scene is too professional. It can be seen at a glance that he has practiced it. He Hui is also good. I heard that in order to play a small role in a documentary, he studied fighting for a month... Now there are not many female stars who are not impetuous in the entertainment industry."

"Handsome guys and beautiful women's partners are super eye-catching!"

(End of this chapter)

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