Chapter 1297 The Idol's Cat 149
Lian Jue felt that Shen Wu was a little too sentimental.

For some reason, he held her in his arms all night and never let go.

When I fell asleep, my arms were tightly wrapped around me, and I couldn't even loosen them.

It seemed that it wasn't him who always disliked her for her dishonest sleeping posture at night.

Like Shen Wu, Lian Jue was also a little worried.

At first she was worried whether Shen Wu would discover her Weibo, and she would be ashamed and ashamed if she found out.

But now, what she is more worried about is that if Shen Wu finds this ID, she will see the comments below, those dirty words that are hard to catch...

She worried that Shen Wu couldn't think about it.

And the most contradictory - those who attacked her were the ones who liked Shen Wu the most.

I hope he never finds out about her account.


After all, things backfired.

#Shen Wu's Paranoia fans how crazy can they be#
When Lian Jue found out, this trending search had already reached the top of the list.

It lists all the "outrageous" speeches she has made since she registered her account, and puts together her Weibo content to form a nine-square grid. Because it is not enough, she adds the content she replied in the post bar.

At first, it was reposted by several big Vs together, but later it evolved to the point where all the fans reposted it together. The momentum was huge like a Weibo campaign, the purpose was to attract Shen Wu's attention and make him pay attention to safety.

In the comments under Hot Search, fans roared at Aite.

【Mom loves you, you have to read this, mom won't allow you to not know such a dangerous thing@沉乌】


[Ordinary fans don’t become YY like this even if they like idols. I suspect that Miss Hypochondria is either a novel writer or a real lunatic@沉乌]

[Can you still imagine the daily life in such detail...isn't this frightening enough?Is he an illegitimate student in real life? ?Be careful, brother @沉江]


Shen Wu took her mobile phone away, "Don't look at it."

Lian Jue turned his head and stared at him, "Have you seen today's trending searches?"

"I didn't see it..." The young man paused, his Adam's apple rolled very lightly, and his voice was calm, "What's wrong?"

The girl rubbed her eyes and looked at the screen again, "There is a fan who is scolded for being on the trending search because he often yells at you."

Shen Wu: "..."

Lian Jue felt that he probably couldn't hide it, and murmured depressedly: "It's just a few Weibo posts, why did it become popular?"

She didn't forget to remind: "Don't read it, this is a delusional fan, there is nothing to see, don't read her Weibo."

Shen Wu curled his lips, "It's over, I've read it, and I think it's quite interesting."

Lian Jue: "..."

"...Have you finished reading?" The girl turned her head little by little with a numb expression.

Shen Wu shook his head, glanced at the phone, as if he was concentrating on something, "I don't have time, I only read one or two."

"It's not as exaggerated as the netizens said. Maybe he just has a boyfriend with the same name and surname as me."

Lian Jue: "..."

This reason is found, and it is convincing.

Lian Jue really wanted to grab his collar and tell him that it was her.

Cut in two.

But she can't.

She still needs to save face with this broken face.

Lian Jue, who has nowhere to confide his heart, chooses to complain to his friend who has been with him for ever.

Sister Luobote: [Rabbit, have you seen the trending searches? 】

Student Rabbit doesn't seem to be busy studying, so he returned soon.

(End of this chapter)

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