Chapter 1298 The Idol's Cat 150
I am!A pink rabbit: [Looked at it, sister, don't be sad, trust your brother, he will handle this matter well]

Lian Jue stared at the phone for a while, and finally made up his mind, holding the phone and logging out of the account.

I searched online how to cancel my Weibo account.

Shen Wu glanced at his girlfriend's phone screen from the corner of his eye, and he pulled out her phone again, "What are you doing?"

Lian Jue paused, "I want to cancel my account, anyway... I don't usually go online much."

"What did you do to cancel your account?" He frowned.

Shen Wu put away the girl's cell phone, "It has nothing to do with you, don't touch the cell phone today, if you see a mess, you have to substitute yourself."

Lian Jue's phone was confiscated.

Poor Haihe and Xiaojing went to the amusement park.

Today, Shen Wu had work and couldn't accompany her, so he ordered Xiao Jing to come over.

Xiaojing thought that the proprietress liked to relax when there were a lot of people, so she had no doubt about him, so she happily bought marshmallows, lollipops, and sugar figurines.

"Miss Boss, it's so strange, it feels like I'm here to date you instead of the boss."

Lian Jue: "..."

She raised the corners of her lips, "Are you so courageous? Want to have an affair with the boss's wife behind the back of the boss's back?"

The playground on weekends is full of laughter and laughter. Children run around and chatter, chirping and communicating in bird language.

Because of those things that were there or not, the frozen mood dissipated a lot.

Xiaojing: "No matter how good a man is, he's not as good as a lily. The boss who doesn't understand style is as knowledgeable as I am. She is fragrant and soft, cute and soft."

Xiao Jing pointed to the Ferris wheel and said excitedly: "It is said that couples who make a wish when riding the Ferris wheel to the highest point can stay together forever."

Lian Jue: "..."

The direction of the story gradually got out of control.

Xiaojing's enthusiasm was unstoppable, "Chong, Sister Momo, I haven't ridden a Ferris wheel yet."

Lian Jue saw that it was rare for her to be so excited, it seemed that she had stayed by Shen Wu's side for too long and had a rare chance to come out to play alone, so she agreed.

Two girls lined up to buy tickets.

The queue is relatively long, and most of the people in the queue are couples. There are also girlfriends like them who come to ride the Ferris wheel, but very few.

Xiao Jing sighed, "I gradually feel the difference in the world."

Lian Jue patted the girl's head, raised his eyebrows, "Is there anyone Xiaojing likes?"

"Yes," Xiaojing twitched and felt a little embarrassed, "I'm an artist, not very well-known, with more than ten lines, and the resources are not good, but..."

"But what?"

"Anyway, he is an artist, so there is a possibility of becoming popular. He works conscientiously, even if he has no good resources, he will earnestly complete the work at hand, and has no...never thought of falling in love." Xiao Jing felt proud and sad at the same time.

Lian Jue patted the little girl's head, "He said that?"

Xiao Jing nodded, "Well. After I confessed to him, he refused... He said he wanted to focus on his career and didn't want to be distracted during the rising period."

"Why does the boss want a girlfriend, and I'm still single?"

Xiao Jing was immersed in sad emotions and couldn't extricate herself, when she heard the girl behind her say without emotion: "Then let someone else like you."

Xiaojing: "..."

Lian Jue rubbed the girl's head, "The weather is fine today, if you meet a handsome guy later, you can rush up and ask for WeChat."

Xiaojing: "?"

"Look, there is one in front, and one on the left, here, you choose."

(End of this chapter)

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