Chapter 1314 The Idol's Cat 166
He glanced at her, "I have only invited you in this room except for the cleaning aunt and my mother."

"Qin Feng ran in by himself," he narrowed his eyes, "without permission."

"Also took away a thermos cup I used."

Lian Jue: "...!"

What an outrageous direction this is.

"He took your used thermos?" The girl's expression gradually lost control.

The picture is very clear without even thinking about it: the young Qin Feng sneaked into the room of his friend, opened the door secretly, and ran in secretly. When he took the photo away, he saw the thermos cup on the table. Out of the claws of evil...

Shen Wu snorted, lowered his eyes and continued to look at the photo album, "Who knows, maybe he has something on his mind that he can't say to me."

Lian Jue: "..."

She really didn't know what to say.

say what……?Hit it?
"Actually, I have always suspected... Qin Feng is with Banhua because he is jealous of Banhua."

Lian Jue: "..."

Why are you jealous of Banhua? Jealousy of Banhua confessing to you?

This youthful feeling is hidden too deep...

Lian Jue continued to flip through the album.

Within two years of Jun Yi, Shen Wu met a scout who came to the school to select actors.

Lian Jue saw Tianyu's signboard and Brother Li, who was Shen Wu's manager who was a few years younger.

Lian Jue hissed and pointed at the signboard of Tianyu, "Brother Li found you when he went to your school? So this is the opportunity for you to enter the entertainment industry."

Shen Wu shook his head, and plucked the hair around the girl's ear with his long fingers, "Actually, I have met many scouts before that."

"Many entertainment companies and modeling companies contacted my teacher early on. Some asked me to be an actor, some asked me to be in a boy group, and some asked me to walk the runway in fashion shows."

"Why did you wait until Tianyu..." She was curious.

"At first I always thought I would join the army." He lowered his voice.

Lian Jue was a little taken aback.

After such a long time, Shen Wu's mood has become calm, and he explained to her: "Grandpa and the founder of Tianyu have an old acquaintance, and after graduating from the military academy, he joined Tianyu as a matter of course."

"So..." Lian Jue couldn't help asking curiously: "Where's Qin Feng? Why isn't Qin Feng with you?"

Instead, he went to another company.

Since grandpa knew the founder of Tianyu, it made no sense not to pack the children of his family friend together.

Shen Wu said indifferently: "Because Qin Feng failed the basic assessment of Tianyu, if he can't sing or dance, he can't perform, and he will always turn his eyes to death."


Lian Jue coughed and controlled her facial expression, she tried her best to say: "Shen Wu, I really admire you, really."

Shen Wu raised his eyebrows: "I forgot to tell you, although I took a special passage, but the basic assessment was the first in the year."

Lian Jue: "I know, I know, you are amazing, I admire you very much, really."

Flipping through the album, there is no content. Shen Wu himself said that it was rather boring when he was a trainee, and some of them were limited fan snaps, probably downloaded by Shen’s mother from the Internet.

After his debut later, the photos on the Internet flooded.

The photo album at this stage has returned to the level of when I was a child, one by one, full of high-definition pictures that Shen's mother found.

There are photos of him and his teammates, and there are ones commemorating the first anniversary of his debut.

Shen's mother did it very carefully, choosing many commemorative moments.

Looking back on Shen Wu's journey from childhood to adulthood, Lian Jue was satisfied.

(End of this chapter)

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