Chapter 1315 The Idol's Cat 167
She scratched the back of her head, a little regretful, "It's a pity that I don't have this kind of photo album from childhood to adulthood, nor do I have the kind of childhood memories like yours."

The girl snorted, "Otherwise I would be happy to share it with you."

Even if you just sit in the room and look at the photo album, eat snacks, and talk about interesting things from the past, as long as you are with the right person, not only is it not boring at all, but it is the best way to pass the time.

She also wanted to share everything with him, but she didn't have the chance.

"Don't you have any memories of the past?" Feng Mou looked at her quietly and deeply.

Lian Jue looked away, "Well, before I became a cat, I don't have any memories, and I don't remember what happened when I was a child."

This didn't lie to him, she really didn't have any memories of her childhood, and she didn't remember what happened at all.

Sometimes I even wonder if I just popped out from the cracks of the rocks. I don’t have parents at all. I was born as big as a monkey.

The girl's dejection was visible to the naked eye, Shen Wu sighed in his heart, and gently rubbed the top of the girl's head, "Little poor..."

The young man bowed his head and thought for a few seconds, as if hesitating, and after a while, finally decided, "I'll show you something."

Lian Jue looked up, and saw Shen Wu went to pick up something from the bookshelf.

A sky blue...notebook? ?
The girl looked puzzled.

The young man sat down next to her again, and spread out the notebook in front of her, "I planned to show it to you when the whole notebook was pasted up in the future, but now my girlfriend is unhappy, so I have to take it out in advance to coax it... also I don't know if it will work."

After speaking, he also sighed.

Lian Jue was in awe of what he said.

Could it be something like a love diary? ? ?
Thinking about it carefully, it is not impossible.

She can come up with things like love jokes, it is not uncommon for Shen Wu to make a love diary.

"Look, look, look."

Shen Wu flipped through and found the first page.

It's not a love diary, it's a photo.

In a small notebook, several photos were pasted, and a few short sentences were marked below.

The photo is in the shape of her cat, and it looks like it was when he was just adopted.

One person and one cat are still very strange. The little cat doesn't know that there is a camera, and its expression is more natural, but there is still a strangeness to the new environment in the bottom of the eyes.

The text below reads: "The cat arrives at a new home."

Lian Jue: "..."

"You are so indifferent." She couldn't help complaining.

The subject predicates the guest, he really doesn't give more.

Shen Wu's voice was pleasant, "At that time, I still regarded you as a little troublemaker."

He continued to scroll down.

The pictures of kittens are becoming more and more abundant, and the eyes are gradually changing, from strange to familiar, and then from familiar to tired.

The whole cat is lazy.

The text is also rich and colorful.

The most obvious ones have changed from four characters to several or even twenty characters, and from short sentences to complex long sentences.

From "the cat to the new home" to "Shen Mo locked me on the balcony today, did she become a jerk" to "Mrs. Otherwise, my lord is very likely to abscond with the cat."

Lian Jue felt strange: "When did you take the photo? I don't have any memory."

The boyfriend obviously didn't want to answer this question, "Compared to the first one, I've obviously gained weight."

Lian Jue continued to look down.

Even if you don't want to admit it, you have to admit the fact of gaining weight.

(End of this chapter)

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