Chapter 1320 The Idol's Cat 172
After being laughed at by Lian Jue for a long time, he kept talking on the way back.

In the end, it ended with being pressed and kissed to shut up.

The next day, go climbing.

Lian Jue didn't want to climb halfway through the climb—her body was really slack recently, and she couldn't fight at all with the endless physical strength like Shen Wu's wild wolf.

In the end, the sightseeing cable car directly flew to the top of the mountain.

Abandoned Shen Wu.

Finally, I drank a drink and waited for my boyfriend on the top of the mountain.

That's a comfort.

On the third day, I went to the zoo.

With the precedent of last time, Lian Jue followed Shen Wu all the way this time, just to find his weakness.

As a result, Shen Wu especially likes giant pandas.

Moreover, he claimed that he was inspired by seeing the panda, stood still and refused to leave, took out his mobile phone from his pocket and kept recording.

The two stood outside the glass and watched for a long time, until the sun set and the pandas were off work before they left under the urging of the staff.

Seven days passed in a flash.

Finally... the thing to face came.

The popularity of Weibo's hot searches went down, and the ordinary entertainment news finally broke through the sky and went straight up.

Chaohua is lively again.

Anti-Love Bar just exploded.

In just one morning, Lian Jue was in a complicated mood.

She knew that Shen Wu's influence was great, but she didn't expect it to be this big.

Even if there are seven days of intervention in major national events, it is not enough to quell the public anger of those who were once diehard fans, it just reduces the attention of some passers-by.

How much I liked it before, how much I hate it now.

Even the account with her Sisters of Radiant was ransacked in turn.

It was the first time that Lian Jue felt a headache for Shen Wu.

However, he didn't seem to feel anything at all. Instead, he looked as expected. He should work, rest, and audition.

Fans pulled up a banner outside the Hengdian where he filmed, so big that half of Hengdian can see it—you can only choose one fan or girlfriend.


The whole Hengdian was turned into a miasma.

For the nth time, Lian Jue worriedly went to the window to look: "There are security guards chasing him, so he shouldn't be hurt."

She sat back, "Does Tianyu have any countermeasures?"

Shen Wu lowered his eyes and took a sip of coffee, "There is nothing in the world that people can't accept, and they will always accept it. You don't need to deal with it, the time is up, you have to accept it if you don't accept it."

It made so much sense that she couldn't refute it.

The master was not in a hurry, even Jue was not nervous, and took out his mobile phone to surf the Internet to see what netizens think about this matter.

Most people who know the truth are neutral, thinking that after all, Shen Wu is no longer a boy group member who relies on fans for food, and now he is an actor who plays the main theme. Qian Lian used to dance and sing in a play. There is no money for the song.

This can't be a relationship, it's too miserable.

Some people say that no matter what, they just can't accept that traffic stars earn money from fans to support their sister-in-law, and their attitudes are more extreme.

There are some anti-gangsters in Chaohua, but there are also some manic fans trying to incite everyone to join in the activities of besieging and suppressing Shen Wu.

Fortunately, the fans who choose to stay are rational.

Lian Jue swayed around, feeling that the situation was almost stable, so he went to his last account to take a look.

She hasn't been on this account for a while - in order not to be popular.

When the seven days of National Day just passed, the ID of Sister Luobote became a hot search.

——Because Shen Wu's attention has increased from 21 to 22.

(End of this chapter)

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