Chapter 1321 The Idol's Cat 173
It made the whole Weibo crowd to watch the straightened sister-in-law.

There are also people who are sour, but most of the people who can find here are Shen Wu's true fans, and there are those who wish them a happy marriage for a hundred years.

So I don't want to use this number Lianjue for the time being, otherwise there will probably be some trouble once I use it.

She bet that if she posts any Weibo post, it will be picked up by the marketing account within half an hour.

The previous Weibo has already been exposed by major marketing accounts. Even if she has set various restrictions, she is still moved at will.

If it hadn't been for Shen Wu's promise not to delete, Lian Jue would probably have deleted all of Weibo by now.

But it's too late to delete the blog now, it has already been moved.

The Internet has memories, and Lian Jue may still be able to find the love jokes he wrote before on the Internet in two years.

Lian Jue was surprised to find that besides the huge "fans and girlfriends can only choose one" campaign on the Internet, there are actually some netizens who have initiated the "Looking for Sister Carrot" campaign.

There is also a special super chat.

The introduction of Chaohua reads: Our slogan is: Knock candy!Our mission is: crack sugar!Our task is: knock candy!This super talk is mainly about crushing candy, crushing life and death, if you don't crush to death, you can't become a demon.

Lian Jue: "..."

In Chaohua, there was also a post called "Looking for the Carrot Sister Trumpet on the Whole Network".

It expounds the views of many netizens.

Some said Sister Carrot would definitely not post on Weibo again, and urged everyone to pick up the old trash.

Others say otherwise.

There is an ID called "Shen Wu's Little Fairy" that attracts Lian Jue's attention.

Shen Wu's goblin: [According to my opinion, Sister Luobote must be a person with a strong desire to share, otherwise she wouldn't open the account of Luobo to share her love life]

Shen Wu's goblin: [According to Shen Wu's attention to Luobo but Luobo didn't reply to lock him, the family status of the two can be seen /peeping/peeping, I believe I don't need to say more, Shen Wu can't control sister Luobo's opening For the trumpet, according to Carrot’s freewheeling personality, one day maybe if you want to share it, you will really open the trumpet again]

Shen Wu's goblin: [Maybe it's already opened/tactful/tactful, sisters can find the needle in a haystack]

Lian Jue: "..."

Is this person the roundworm in her stomach?

For the first time, Lian Jue wanted to see if the other end of the account was Shen Wu through the Internet.

After all, there is only one person in the world who knows her so well.

Lian Jue finally clicked on the personal page of this account.

Then she found out that it was a rational fan.

Almost all Weibo content is related to Shen Wu.

The data ranking reports of some data stations are forwarded every day.

There is also a new Weibo.

[Shen Wu fell in love and I am not sad, I may be a fake fan/haha]

He should be quite old in the fan circle, and there are a few comments from other fans below, all discussing love affairs.

Lian Jue suddenly became interested in Shen Wu's little goblin.

This fan's daily Weibo is quite interesting, full of interesting stories about star chasing.

And the most amazing thing is that every time I post on Weibo, I have to bring some wonderful animations.

It should be made by herself, because Lian Jue has never seen it anywhere else, Shen Wu's is out of print! !

This sister is really a wonderful person.

"What are you looking at?" Shen Wu, who has been paying attention to his girlfriend's movements, quietly moved over, trying to catch a few glances.

(End of this chapter)

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