Chapter 1349 Ah Huai's Orange 19
Well, it's all about cultivating good neighborhood feelings.

There was also a doctor in the pharmacy working the night shift, cleaning and prescribing Lin Huai.

It just so happened that I needed to make a medicine box at home.

Lian Jue took some common medicines beside him.

When the doctor went to prescribe the order, Lian Jue walked to Lin Huai's side, and still couldn't help asking, "How could you be injured like this?"

It looked like it had been whipped, but she was too embarrassed to say.

Lin Huai's complexion was very pale, and his tone was quite gentle, "I met a lunatic on the way back."

The doctor heard it from inside, and came out from behind the curtain.

"Did you call the police, young man? The wound is not shallow. Where can I meet a lunatic who can do such a ruthless hand, almost needing stitches."

Lin Huai's face was flat, "I don't care about people with brain problems."

The doctor babbled a lot with the accent of City A.

Lian Jue half understood.

It probably means that calling the police will at least prevent the next one from getting hurt.

Lin Huai did not return.

Lian Jue felt that the wound was not what he said, and the reason he said sounded like he was saying it casually.

It's more like... a wound at home, from domestic violence from my father or mother.

But this kind of thing can't be asked.

It stands to reason that Lin Huai's family background is quite good, except that his personality is a little cold, but in fact, after a period of contact, he will find that he is not so cold, and he is quite easy to get along with and down-to-earth.

Like a child raised in that kind of good family atmosphere.

Who left the wound on his body...

It can't be self-harm.

After taking the medicine and paying the money, the two walked back at night.

Not far away, on the same pedestrian street, several drunken people walked behind.

As Lu Ming was walking, he suddenly stopped, his eyes dimmed with drunkenness: "Hey, why is that figure in front so familiar?"

Mu Chen raised his head, took a hard look twice, and stuck out his tongue, "Familiar, familiar? I haven't seen it before."

Lu Ming sighed, "I'm not talking about that girl!! I'm talking about that guy, the tall and thin one, why does he look so similar, like..."

Mu Chen: "Like what?"

Lu Ming slapped him on the shoulder, "Like our good brother, Comrade Lin Huai!! What's wrong with you? You even forgot your good comrades in arms? We used to fight on the floor together, go down the mountain of swords and go down the sea of ​​fire together Climb the snow-capped mountains and cross the grasslands to live your life as a friendly brother!"

Mu Chen: "Oh, I seem to's pretty similar, wow, it's exactly the same!"

Lu Ming: "Quick! Go! Find our brothers!"

Mu Chen: "Come on! Go! Take your brothers to climb snow-capped mountains and cross grasslands to eat kebabs and kebabs!"

Another guy named Da Xiong in the dormitory was still sober enough to catch up from behind in time, and dragged the two wild horses back.

Daxiong looked helpless, and glanced at the two figures not far away, "I know you are very excited to see the beautiful woman, but there is obviously a boy next to her, so you are not afraid of death if you rush up?"

Lu Ming held an empty beer can: "No, no, you don't understand, it's not a beautiful woman."

Mu Chen squatted on the side of the road and grabbed the grass leaves: "Yes, yes, you don't understand, that is our good brother Gourd Baby, seven babies on a vine, Gourd Baby Gourd Baby..."

Big Bear: "..."

Lu Ming suddenly pointed at Muchen, his eyes widened angrily: "You fart! That's Lin Huai! You're the calabash baby! Pooh! I'm the person who loves Lin Huai the most in this world! Your calabash baby is at best a mistress !"

Big Bear: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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