Chapter 1350 Ah Huai's Orange 20
Did he hear something he shouldn't have heard.

With a headache, Da Xiong lifted the two drunkards who had misidentified them from the ground, "Okay, I also watched it just now, what about Lin Huai, based on the friendship I have known Lin Huai for five years in high school and college, I can assure you that It's definitely not Lin Huai, and any of you have ever seen Lin Huai crossing the road with other girls? Listen to me... can you hurry back to the hotel?"

Lu Ming hugged the big bear's burly half shoulder and howled ghostly: "Lin Huai! I'm the one who loves you the most in this world! Huluhu, he's the mistress..."

Mu Chen also hung on the other half of Big Bear's body and yelled: "Gourd baby! It's great to have a dream! Ah! BJ welcomes you..."


It was not yet seven o'clock when Lian Jue got up, Lin Huai's house had been cleaned up, and he had already left.

There was a message on WeChat after six o'clock.

Lin Huai: "There is an early class, I'm going to school first, thank you junior for your hospitality."

Once online, Lian Jue seamlessly switched to the small green tea mode: "You're welcome, senior, remember to have breakfast."

The cultivation of neighborly feelings is still very important.

that end.

Lin Huai's phone vibrated.

He lowered his head and took it out of the desk pocket, and took a look.

WeChat shows a new message from Little Green Tea.

Lin Huai hooked the corners of his lips.

Thinking of the message Lu Ming sent him a few days ago, Lin Huai switched to the chat history page with Lu Ming and saved a few emoticons.

He sent an emoji that I knew.

Then I searched for an emoticon package thanking you for your concern and sent it over.

After replying to the message, Lin Huai looked up at the blackboard and continued to listen to the class.

After a while, there was a rustling sound around him.

Several people sneaked in while the teacher turned his back to explain.

Each expression is still in pain, and the sound of the soles of the feet is getting softer than the other.

Da Xiong patted Lin Huai's shoulder with one hand, and said in a thankful tone, "Thank you, brother, and you are also troubled to sit in the back row."

Lin Huai took out the books he brought to them back to the dormitory, and said in a pleasant magnetic voice, "It's nothing, it's you guys, how much did you drink yesterday? Your face looks so pale."

"I didn't go anywhere, I just went to a nearby barbecue stall yesterday and drank for four or five hours..."

Big Bear covered his dizzy forehead, kept ouching, and lowered his voice, "You don't even know how difficult those two guys in the same dormitory are..."

Just as he was talking, Lu Ming walked in with a bowed body and a weak expression, clutching his stomach.

Big Xiong said quietly: "The person who loves you the most in the whole world is here."

"Yo, behind him is your third little gourd baby."

Lin Huai: "...?"

On Monday, the freshman computer department didn't have any classes, so Lian Jue went back to the dormitory to pick up something in the morning, ate lunch with Zhao Zijing and the others at school, and went back to the small building directly after eating.

In the middle, Lin Huai sent her a message, asking if she had time to treat her to dinner.

Lian Jue said that he had eaten it, and then the tea in the tea was full of gas, and he said, senior, don't starve yourself, go and eat quickly.

It is unimaginable that after posting this sentence, the favorability value has also increased.

Lian Jue felt very strange.

Could this be the old saying in the legend - no straight man can escape...

Forget it, I feel like senior Lin Huai is not a straight man either.

Just when Lian Jue thought the conversation was over and the other party should have gone to eat, Lin Huai sent another message after a while.

"Do you like cake?"

(End of this chapter)

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