Chapter 1360 Ah Huai's Orange 30
Mu Chen: "Yeah, you won't make your girlfriend angry, because you don't have a girlfriend at all hahahahaha..."

As expected, poor Mu Chen's eyes froze again.

Big Bear sighed: "This is the consequence of offending our group favorite."


"Orange Orange Orange Orange! What are we going to eat?" After class, several little girls rushed over.

"Didn't Jiajia say yesterday that he wanted to eat teppanyaki? Let's go eat teppanyaki."


The energetic freshman Xiaomei went straight to the cafeteria chattering.

With a sound of ding dong, Shi Wu took out her mobile phone from the bag under the dining table and glanced at it.

After a while, Lian Jue's sleeve was pulled, she turned her head, "What's wrong?"

Shi Wu whispered: "Senior Mu Chen asked me... Are you interested in Senior Lin Huai?"

Muchen Lianjue knew that it was the senior who chased Shi Wu, Lin Huai's roommate, and he could no longer understand this person these days.

"He asked you? Me? Are you interested in senior Lin Huai?" The words were twisted, but after understanding it, I felt even more incredible.

"What is he asking this for?"

Wang Jiajia stopped his chopsticks, his eyes were alert, "Could this start to reveal the nature of the scumbag?"

Zhao Zijing raised the knife and fork in his hand: "If he dares to be a scumbag, we will 313 make him inhumane today!"

Lian Jue: "..."

Shi Wu: "..."

"Put down the dangerous tool first, cough, sister, calm down."

Wang Jiajia also dawdled with the knife and fork, her brows sometimes loosened and sometimes furrowed: "I suddenly have a bold idea, sisters..."


"Do you think it's...Senior Lin Huai fell in love with Cheng Cheng?"

"Don't boys like this? Please ask my good brother or something, and it just so happened that Mu Chen knew Xiao Wu again."

The girls looked at one person in unison.


Zhao Zijing looked sad: "Okay, don't try to fool us, we all know that you and Senior Lin Huai had an affair... and today you were photographed downstairs in the girls' dormitory."

Wang Jiajia coughed: "Senior Lin Huai is really good, he doesn't know how to avoid the limelight when chasing someone."

He just came to explain what happened last night.

How could he be chasing her.

There is nothing left in the horoscope.

Lian Jue interrogated his soul: "Which girl do you think senior Lin Huai has taken a fancy to, should you chase after her?"

The three girls shook their heads frantically.

"Need not!"

The girl lowered her head and bit a piece of meat, "That's fine."

Wang Jiajia: "So I really didn't chase you?"

The girl put down the stick, expressionless: "He wants to chase me, do you think I will have dinner with you now?"

Wang Jiajia: "..."

Zhao Zijing: "..."

Shi Wu: "..."

"Oh yes."

"Sounds reasonable."

"So if you really get together with senior Lin Huai in the future, Chu Cheng, you will abandon the sisters who value sex and despise friends?"


"Lin Huai."

The handsome figure stopped.

"I saw the post on the school forum, what's the matter with you and that girl?"

Liang Wei folded her hands, her young and beautiful face was full of concern.

"What's going on... about our young people," Lin Huai took out his meal card and swiped it on the card machine on the wall, "Aunt Guan Liang, what's the matter with you?"

Liang Wei: "..."

Collagen almost collapsed.

She looked around, took a step closer to him, and tugged at his sleeve, "You should call me senior at school, we are only two years apart, is this how you treat girls?"

(End of this chapter)

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