Chapter 1361 Ah Huai's Orange 31
"Girl?" Lin Huai raised his eyebrows lightly, "I didn't mean to insult women, but you have the nerve to say that you are a girl in front of me?"

Liang Wei: "..."

She knew that it was a wrong decision to confront Lin Huai head-on, so she curled her lips and raised her signature smile, "Your father asked you to come back on the weekend, and let's have dinner together as a family."

"Sorry, I don't want to."


Liang Wei paused for a moment, and said with a pure face, "A Huai, don't let your father down."

"From the day my mother died, I don't recognize this father," he said flatly, "If you want, I can give you this father."

Liang Wei lost her voice for the nth time: "..."

Talking about Lin Huai is destined to make her get the answer she wanted, Liang Wei took a deep breath, and changed back to the original question, "Ah Huai, what is going on with that girl... people have photographed you more than once Downstairs in the girls' dormitory..."

She paused and looked at him complicatedly. The elder's tone made people suspect for a moment that the person who came to seduce him that night was a hallucination, "Ah Huai, you also know that your father will be very careful when it comes to your relationship." Pay attention to the right family, if you insist on going on, the other girl will also be hurt..."

"Do you have a police pass?"

Liang Wei: "?"

Lin Huai: "I thought you had a police card, it's so lenient, Pacific Police."

Liang Wei: "..."

A tall, handsome boy came over, patted the girl on the shoulder, and said in an affectionate tone, "Weiwei, I've finished cooking, I'll come over later."

Liang Wei hummed, and when she turned to Lin Huai, her expression flustered for a moment, but she quickly adjusted, "The student union has invited someone to discuss the orientation, so I'll go there first, your lunch is delicious. "

Lin Huai didn't bother to care about her.

"Aunt Liang, you too. It's delicious. The weather is getting colder. Remember to knit a few more hats for Mr. Lin. He likes handmade ones."

Liang Wei left with a livid face.


After finishing the cooking, Lu Ming glanced at him for a while, then jumped over and hugged Lin Huai's shoulders, "How is it? I saw your stepmother came to look for you just now, what did you talk about?"

Lin Huai: "I didn't talk about anything."

Lu Ming laughed loudly: "She wanted to talk about something, but you rejected it! I think her face is so ugly that she is going to die."

Mu Chen gave a thumbs up: "Evil people still need to be tortured by evil people. Why did she, Liang Wei, create an unclear relationship with you in school? Didn't she want to take advantage of the Lin family? From another perspective, she dared to say that she had already Did you marry the old man? She didn't dare!"

Lu Ming said twice, and pointed back with his thumb, "The man who was with her just now has been chasing her for two months, I heard from the students in the student union, people thought It’s the pure senior! I’m dying of laughter... If the students in the school know that she is Lin Huai’s stepmother, the whole family will burst into laughter!”

Big Bear: "Don't mention the unlucky people, eating and eating will ruin the mood of enjoying the food."

Several people walked shoulder to shoulder with their meals in hand, and suddenly stopped at the same time.

The four of them stared at a conspicuous direction not far away at the same time. After a while of silence, Lu Ming spoke first: "Is that our future little sister-in-law?"

Mu Chen: "It seems... No, it is! My future girlfriend is sitting next to me!"

Lin Huai stared at that delicate and slender figure for a while, then lowered his head slightly, "Let's go."

(End of this chapter)

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