Chapter 1362 Ah Huai's Orange 32
This time the straight male bear was a little unbelievable: "Why don't you go up and say hello?"

Mu Chen and Lu Ming looked over with the same expectation.

Lin Huai shook his head.

"There is too much hostility on my body, I don't want to be seen by her."

"Yo~" Lu Ming squinted his eyes and licked his back molars, "I have to remind you, Mr. Lin, that you haven't talked about one thing! You haven't talked about it yet! You haven't talked about it yet! Who's going to kill you! "

Mu Chen unknowingly fell behind a few steps, and finally made up his mind and said, "It's fine if Brother Huai doesn't go, but that woman probably got really dirty, so I won't be polite to everyone, and I didn't meet him either. What Nie Xiaoqian, I'm going to say hello to my future girlfriend!"

Several people said in unison.

"Cha!" Mu Chen saluted, and walked back in a hurry.


Friday afternoon.

Lin Huai received a call from Lin Donghua, "How did you talk to your mother?"

The Adam's apple rolled up and down, flatly: "It seems to have been said many times, my mother is gone, if you mention my mother again, I will think that she is a fraud."

One sentence successfully choked Lin Donghua.

He turned and said angrily: "Lin Huai! I think you really don't see me as a father now that you are in college! Look at what you have become... Are there any sons who are as unfilial as you in the world? ?”

Lin Huai asked casually, and helped him start the next topic, "May I ask what my stepmother, Aunt Liang Wei, has sued you again?"

Lin Donghua's throat was choked, and he coughed, "What complaint? You have satirized your mother several times, and your mother can't come to me to talk about it?"

"And about your relationship? Did I allow you to have a relationship? Do you know what's the most important thing right now? Do you know who you're with? It's not just about you alone. Decided? I have investigated the other party. My family has opened a small company with a little money but no connections. They are not well-known in the Beijing circle. How can the future successor of the Lin Group have no background with an ordinary person? woman in love?"

"What use is this to our family business?"

This is beyond description.

Lin Huai asked a question calmly: "When you married Liang Wei, did you think about how helpful she would be to the family business?"

Lin Donghua blushed and had a thick neck: "She can train me to be the next heir! In the future, when your brother grows up, she can also help you share the burden."

Lin Huai is now very familiar with Lin Donghua's routine.

Come up and ask first.

After the questioning was almost over, he immediately started roaring output, crazily brainwashing him, trying to turn him into another Lin Donghua.

"Please, Mr. Lin, don't pay too much attention to my private life. Although grandpa entrusted me to you to raise me, if I want to go back, I can still go back. You don't want grandpa to know how big a daughter-in-law you found for him in private, right?" ?”

He calmly hung up the phone.

Lin Huai looked up at the sky and remained silent for a while.

Go to the small building and stop.

Standing in front of the door on the first floor, Lin Huai paused for a while, then raised his hand and knocked, "Primary school girl."


The girl was biting an egg roll and looking down at the weather forecast.

Hearing the sound, he got up from the wooden floor, went to the door and opened it.


no one.

But why did it sound like I heard senior Lin Huai's voice just now?

Lian Jue lowered his head and found a cup of poplar nectar on the doorknob.

She looked up at the landing of the stairs.

People are gone.

(End of this chapter)

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