Chapter 1363 Ah Huai's Orange 33
She walked up the stairs to the second floor and knocked on the door, "Senior?"

Lin Huai opened the door.

Lian Jue raised the nectar in Yang Zhi's hand: "This is..."

"Last time I saw you posting on Moments," Lin Huai explained, "I feel like you love drinking."

Lian Jue: "..."

The point is, she doesn't get paid for nothing, right?
She thought for a while, went downstairs and took something again.

Lin Huai took a quilt from her hand: "...?"

Lian Jue said generously, "Send it to you."

Lin Huai: "..."

The little girl smiled and explained: "The weather forecast shows that there will be heavy rainfall tonight. It seems that the senior didn't bring a thick quilt when he came last time, right? Although it's summer, the temperature really drops quite badly."

"That's it, thank you."

Lin Huai felt that his invincible heart that had been exercised over the years was gently and softly poked.

"Then I'm leaving. By the way, close the doors and windows at night, as well as the clothes outside, remember to collect them!"

After the little green tea reminded her, she raised the milk tea in her hand and went down.

Lin Huai hugged the quilt and stood there for a while.

A dull heart was slightly smoothed by a pair of invisible hands, and it returned to its original position.

Peace of mind.'s amazing.

After nine o'clock, Lin Huai found an excuse and went downstairs to find Little Green Tea for a while.

——Using the excuse that he didn't eat at night, after a tactful hint, the final result was that the little girl went to the convenience store with him.

It was raining lightly, and there were few pedestrians on the road. The two stayed in the convenience store for a while.

Lin Huai was wearing a black hooded sweater, while the girl was wearing a white hoodie. They both wore hats, which made them very eye-catching in the night.

"Lin Huai."

Lian Jue brought the hot instant noodles in front of him, "Here, you ordered."

Lin Huai raised his head slightly, feeling rarely in a good mood, and joked: "You're not called a senior anymore?"


Lian Jue re-prepared to speak, and put down the bowl solemnly: "Your face, Senior Lin Huai."

Lin Huai: "Ahem..."

He paused, the phoenix eyes under the brim of the black hat were narrow and warm, "With our current relationship, don't you think it's too unfamiliar for you to call me so polite?"

"Then what should I call it?" The girl sat down beside him, her voice clear and crisp.

"Brother Lin Huai."


The person who can spit lotus flowers out of his mouth when necessary got stuck for the first time.

Sitting motionless, his eyes were quiet.

"In the will call me Brother Lin Huai, and I will call you Sister Chengzi. We will come and go, which is in line with our harmonious and beautiful neighborhood relationship. How about it?"

Lin Huai raised his eyebrows, and opened the disposable chopsticks with his slender fingers.

Lian Jue really didn't know what to say, so he called out "Lin... Brother Lin Huai?"

"Well, Sister Chengzi." He responded very naturally.


The waiter who came over to deliver skewers couldn't hold back a snort.

Seeing that both of them looked at him, they turned their heads and ran away in an instant.

Lin Huai lowered his eyes slightly, and he was very leisurely and indifferent on weekdays, and he ate in a refined and elegant manner, "A little girl lives outside alone, and the senior lives above you. I guess I will take care of you in many things in the future. Brother Sheng is not bad either."

"Doesn't your heart hurt when you say this?" Lian Jue swallowed a mouthful of noodles and asked sincerely, "Just now I gave you a quilt."

Lin Huai raised the corners of his lips slightly: "Thank you, Sister Chengzi, then I'll make dinner for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, how about it?"

Lian Jue looked down at the contents of his bowl: "Are you eating instant noodles for three days in a row?"


(End of this chapter)

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