Chapter 1365 Ah Huai's Orange 35
Back at the small building, the rain picked up again.

"The meteorological station is probably going to take the responsibility." Lian Jue glanced at the phone hastily, "Such a violent rainstorm is obviously not an ordinary level, let alone it is expected to last all night..."

Not only the countryside, but also the center of City A will cause irreversible damage.

Because of the unusual amount of rainfall, the topic has become the top trending topic on Weibo.

Lian Jue went to the school forum to check, and many students also reported that the downstairs of the dormitory was full of ocean, almost reaching their ankles.

Many people are complaining that the rain is too heavy.

There are also some students who smell unusual smells reminding each other to be safe.

The school’s official website issued an announcement to remind all students not to go out from the dormitory building at night, close the doors and windows, and deal with unexpected extreme weather.

Some students just came back from a walk in the school's small woods, and left a message saying that the water at the lowest school gate has already reached the thigh of an adult man.

Lian Jue has now confirmed that the sisters of 313 must have all fallen asleep after the carnival, and left a message in the group so that they can see when they wake up: "It's raining heavily, everyone should pay attention to safety at school, get up in the morning and go downstairs to put the bucket first. Changed it, just in case."

Lin Huai checked the surroundings of the small building. Compared with the surrounding area, the terrain of the small building is still a bit higher, and the water doesn't accumulate much, but the situation is not optimistic. The floor on the first floor has already started to get damp.

If it's really going to rain all night...

He was not at ease, "I'm going to get an umbrella, and later you take the quilt and follow me up. There is an empty room next to me. It is not clear how much the water will rise in the future. It is not safe for you to be alone."

"it is good."

She saw the weather forecast of continuous heavy rainfall in the next few days, and her temples throbbed a little.

Lin Huai held an umbrella, and the two of them first brought the quilt and other things to be used at night to the second floor.

By the way, Lian Jue brought a set of bath clothes and pajamas.

When I went out just now, the bath was a waste of time. I was soaked in sewage, and there were all kinds of messy things hanging on my body, so did Lin Huai.

Back on the first floor again, Lian Jue quickly tidied himself up first.

After coming out, she ran to the utility room first, and got out several boxes of mineral water that she usually kept, "Lin Huai, let's move this to the second floor."

It is not certain that the heavy rain may cause the city's water supply system to be paralyzed at any time.

Fortunately, Lian Jue had stayed in the end of the world before, and had the habit of stockpiling some necessary supplies. He checked the two charging treasures, and the charging treasures were also charged.

OK, both of them cost [-] yuan, so you won’t be afraid even if there is a power outage.

In addition to water, there are some food in the refrigerator, Lian Jue took some instant food, rummaged through the house and found a few packets of instant noodles.

There are still a bunch of things that may be used, Lian Jue stuffed them all into the schoolbag.

After packing up his things, Lian Jue turned off the switch on the first floor.

Power off first.

The two just returned to the second floor.

The light in the room sizzled twice and went out.


The girl leaned against the window, staring at the huge city under the night, like a monster dormant in the rain and fog.

Just like in a movie, the whole city went from near to far, and the bright lights went out one by one.

In just a few seconds, the entire city was plunged into darkness.


Lin Huai stood behind her, leaned his arms on the glass and looked at it for a while, "... go take a bath."


Lin Huai's home is cleaner and warmer than Lian Jue imagined.

(End of this chapter)

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